Karlsruhe School of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics: Science and Technology (KSETA)

Agnieszka Leszczyńska


Institute: IKP
Room: 135 (building 425, CN)
Phone: (CN) 22859
Email: agnieszka.leszczynska_[at]_kit_[dot]_edu

PhD topic: Simulation and reconstruction study for a scintillator array at the South Pole

Conferences and relevant talks

2019 August International Cosmic Ray Conference, Madison, WI
Poster: Simulation and Reconstruction Study of a Future Surface Scintillator Array at the IceCube Neutrino Observatory conference paper
2019 March DPG Spring Meeting, Aachen
Talk: Performance of IceTop enhancement with scintillator array
2018 September IceCube Collaboration Pre-meeting and Meeting, Stockholm
Talk: Reconstruction study for scintillator array
2018 July 26th Extended European Cosmic Ray Symposium
Poster: Simulation study for the IceCube IceTop enhancement with a scintillator array conference paper
2018 April Invited talk at IEAP, Prague
Talk: Towards the next generation of a neutrino observatory: IceCube-Gen2
2018 March DPG Spring Meeting, Wuerzburg
Talk: Lateral distribution study for the IceTop scintillator array
2017 September IceCube Collaboration Pre-meeting and Meeting, Berlin
Talk: Update on simulation study for an extended IceTop Detector
2017 March DPG Spring Meeting, Muenster
Talk: Simulation study for an extended IceTop Detector
2016 September IceCube Collaboration Pre-meeting and Meeting, Mainz

Schools & workshops

2019 February Matter and the Universe Days, Hamburg
Poster: The IceTop Enhancement for Improved Air-Shower Measurements
2019 February KSETA Plenary Workshop, Durbach
2018 October/November International School on Astroparticle Physics - LHC meets Cosmic Rays
2018 August International School of Cosmic Ray Astrophysics, Ericie, Italy
Talk: Simulation Study for the Ice Top Enhancement with a Scintillation Array
2018 July KSETA Doctoral Workshop, Freudenstadt
Talk: Introduction to Astroparticle Physics
2018 February KSETA Plenary Workshop, Durbach
2017 November Memorizing, reading and working strategies Workshop, KIT
2017 October KSETA Scientific symposium - Current trends in particle and astroparticle physics, KIT
2017 September IceCube Simulation Workshop, Zeuthen
2017 September SJTU-KIT Collaborative Research Workshop "Particles and the Universe", Karlsruhe
Poster: IceTop upgrade with scintillators for IceCube-Gen2
2017 July KSETA Doctoral Workshop, Freudenstadt
2017 June International School on Astroparticle Physics, Arenzano
Poster: IceTop upgrade with scintillators for IceCube-Gen2
2017 May Science Writing Workshop, KIT
2017 February KSETA Plenary Workshop, Durbach
2016 October School for Astroparticle Physics, Obertrubach

Additional activities

February 2018 - February 2019 KSETA PhD fellow representative
2019/2020 Cooperation with Hiwi student
Characterisation of detector response for snow calibration at IceTop
2018/2019 Co-supervision of bachelor student
Capabilities of the KIT/DESY scintillator station at the South Pole
2018 September KSETA Excursion to ASTRON, Netherlands
2018 June-August Supervision of RISE student's internship (12 weeks)
The muon component of cosmic ray air showers in IceTop tanks
2017 November/2018 August Supervision of student's internship (2 months)
Air-shower front studies
2017 August KSETA Excursion to DESY Hamburg
2016 October - 2017 July Supervision in the advanced nuclear physics students laboratory at KIT

Publications with significant contribution

1. `Simulation and Reconstruction Study of a Future Surface Scintillator Array at the IceCube Neutrino Observatory', A. Leszczyńska et al. IceCube Collaboration, arXiv:1909.02258 [astro-ph.IM] PoS-ICRC2019-332

2. `Simulation study for the IceCube IceTop enhancement with a scintillator array', A. Leszczyńska et al. IceCube Gen2 Collaboration, DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/1181/1/012076 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1181, no. 1, 012076 (2019).

3. `The IceCube Neutrino Observatory - Contributions to the 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2019)', M. G. Aartsen et al. IceCube Collaboration, arXiv:1907.11699 [astro-ph.HE]

4. `A Scintillator and Radio Enhancement of the IceCube Surface Detector Array', A. Haungs et al. IceCube Collaboration, arXiv:1903.04117 [astro-ph.IM] DOI:10.1051/epjconf/201921006009 EPJ Web Conf. 210, 06009 (2019)

Full list of publications