Andreas Pargner
InformationMember 02/2016 - 02/2019Institute for Nuclear Physics (IKP) Campus North: Building 401 Room: 210 Phone: +49 (0)721 608 28939 Campus South: Physics Tower (Building 30.23) Room: 11/04 Phone: +49 (0)721 608 47027 Email: Homepage Representative of the Doctoral Convent of Physics [2017] KSETA Doctoral Representative [2016] Research TopicPhenomenology of Axion Dark MatterSupervisor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Schwetz-Mangold Group: Theoretical Astroparticle Physics at IKP Date of the PhD Exam: 01.02.2019 |
- J. Enander, A. Pargner, T. Schwetz: Axion minicluster power spectrum and mass function, arXiv: 1708.04466, JCAP12(2017)038.
- M. Beutter, A. Pargner, T. Schwetz, E. Todarello: Axion-electrodynamics: a quantum field calculation, arXiv: 1812.05486, JCAP02(2019)026.
Meetings, Workshops, Schools and Conferences
- [October, 2018] Future of Particle Physics Workshop, Karlsruhe, Germany (Organising Comittee).
- [September, 2018] DESY Theory Workshop, Hamburg, Germany.
- [September, 2018] Invisibles Workshop 2018, Karlsruhe, Germany (Organising Comittee).
- [June, 2018] PATRAS Workshop 2018, Hamburg, Germany.
- [March, 2018] DPG Tagung, Würzburg, Germany.
- [February, 2018] KSETA Plenary Workshop 2018, Durbach, Germany.
- [September, 2017] Flavor and Dark Matter Workshop, Heidelberg, Germany.
- [May, 2017] PATRAS 2017 Workshop, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- [April,2017] DPG Tagung, Münster, Germany (Talk).
- [February, 2017] KSETA Plenary Workshop 2017, Durbach, Germany (Organising Comitte, Poster, Poster Prize).
- [December,2016] MU Programmtag, Helmholtz Institute Mainz, Germany (Poster).
- [September,2016] Invisibles16 School, SISSA, Trieste, Italy.
- [July,2016] KSETA Doctoral Workshop, Freudenstadt, Germany (Organizer).
- [March, 2016] GRK 1694 PhD-Workshop 2016, Otterberg, Germany.
- [February, 2016] KSETA Plenary Workshop 2016, Durbach, Germany.
- [February,2015] New Physics at Belle II, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany (Organising Comitte).
- [February, 2015] LHCb-Heidelberg Workshop, Neckarzimmer, Germany.
Teaching etc.
- [Winter Semester, 2018/19]: Head of Exercises for Theoretical Physics III - Electrodynamics.
- [Since February 2018]: Co-Supervisor of two Master Thesises at Group for Theoretical Astroparticle Physics.
- [Winter Semester, 2017/18]: Organizer of the Theoretical Astroparticles Group Seminar
- [Winter Semester, 2016/17]: Head of Exercises for Theoretical Physics III - Electrodynamics.
- [Summer Semester, 2016]: Head of Exercises for Dark Matter - Theoretical Aspects.
- [Summer Semester, 2015]: Tutorial Assistant for Modern Theoretical Physics I: Quantum Mechanics I.
- [Winter Semester, 2014/2015]: Tutorial Assistant for Modern Theoretical Physics II: Quatnum Mechanics II.
- [January, 2016] Master of Science, Physics at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Thesis Topic: Lepton Flavor Violation in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model and the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon
- [April, 2013] Bachelor of Science, Physics at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Thesis Topic: Auskopplung von Substratmoden in flexiblen organischen Leuchtdioden durch stochastische Streuschichten
- [January, 2018] Public scientific talk at "Junge Talente - Musik und Wissenschaft"
KSETA Work Report
Publications outside of KSETA
- T. Bocksrocker, N. Hülsmann, C. Eschenbaum, A. Pargner, S. Höfle, F. Maier-Flaig and U. Lemmer: Highly efficient fully flexible indium tin oxide free organic light emitting diodes fabricated directly on barrier-foil, Thin Solid Films, 542 2013.
- T. Bocksrocker, J. Hoffmann, C. Eschenbaum, A. Pargner, J. Preinfalk, F. Maier-Flaig and U.Lemmer: Micro-spherically textured organic light emitting diodes: A simple way towards highly increased light extraction, Organic Electronics, 14(1) 2013.
- T. Bocksrocker, J. Preinfalk, J. Asche-Tauscher, A.Pargner, C. Eschenbaum, F. Maier-Flaig and U. Lemmer: White organic light emitting diodes with enhanced internal and external outcoupling for ultra-fficient light extraction and Lambertian emission, Optics Express, 20(106) 2012.
- A. Pargner: Fraktale Dimension von RBL Zellen während allergischer Reaktion mit DNP, Papermint, 1 2010.