Karlsruhe School of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics: Science and Technology (KSETA)

Anne Zilles


Institute: EKP (CN)
Room: building 425, 135
Phone: CN-2661
Email: anne.zilles#kit.edu

PhD thesis

Emission of Radio Waves in Particle Showers: Validation of microscopic simulations with the SLAC T-510 experiment and their potential in the future Square Kilometer Array

Date of Defense: 25th of November 2016


publications in refereed journals

K. Belov, K. Mulrey, A. Romero-Wolf, S. A. Wissel, A Zilles, et al. (T-510 collaboration), "Accelerator measurements of magnetically-induced radio emission from particle cascades with applications to cosmic-ray air showers",Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 141103 (2016), arXiv:1507.07296 [astro-ph.IM]

other publications

Huege, T. and others, "High-precision measurements of extensive air showers with the SKA",PoS(ICRC2015)309, 2015

Zilles, A. and others (T-510 collaboration), "Modelling of radio emission in the SLAc T-510 experiment using macroscopic Geant4 simulations",PoS(ICRC2015)313, 2015

Zilles, A. and others (T-510 collaboration) "Geant4 Simulations of Radio Signals from Particle Showers for the SLAC T-510 Experiment",Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Acoustic and Radio EeV Neutrino Detection Activities (in press)

contribution to international conferences

Jun 6-10, 2016 7th International Workshop on Acoustic and Radio EeV Neutrino Detection Activities, Groningen, The Netherlands
imulation study on high-precision radio measurements of the depth of shower maximum with SKA1-low" (Talk, Anne Zilles for the SKA Fokus Group on High Energy Cosmic Particles, 06/10/16),
proceedings to be published

Jun 7-10, 2016 7th International Workshop on Acoustic and Radio EeV Neutrino Detection Activities, Groningen, The Netherlands
Modeling of radio emission from a particle cascadein magnetic field and its experimental validation (Talk, Anne Zilles for the T510 Collaboration, 06/07/16),
proceedings to be published

Jul 30 - Aug 6, 2015 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Den Hague, Netherlands
Modelling of radio emission in the SLAc T-510 experiment using macroscopic Geant4 simulations (Poster, Anne Zilles for the T510 Collaboration),
PoS(ICRC2015)313, 2015

Jun 9-12, 2014 6th International Workshop on Acoustic and Radio EeV Neutrino Detection Activities, Annapolis, MD, USA
Geant4 simulations of radio signals from particle showers for the SLAC T-510 experiment (Talk, Anne Zilles for the T510 Collaboration, 06/09/14),
proceedings to be published

Overview: List of all talk and poster contributions


May 18-19, 2016 Workshop: "Research Management Training (ReMaT)", Brussels
July 4-11, 2014 19th course of the International School of Cosmic Ray Astrophysics, Erice, Sicily, Italy
Geant4 Simulations of Radio Signals from Particle Showers for the SLAC T-510 Experiment using the `End-Point Formalism` (Anne Zilles)
Dec 4-6, 2013 Netzwerk Teilchenwelt - Workshop zur Vermittlung von Astro-/Teilchenphysik, Madgeburg
Oct 2-10, 2013 Schule fuer Astroteilchenphysik, Obertrubach-Baernfels

KSETA Topical Courses, Workshops, Lectures & Seminars

Overview: KSETA Transcipt

Selected Courses, Workshops, Lectures & Seminars:

Oct. 14, 2014 KSETA Topical Course
Giving feedback and moderation skills (Olga Kambeitz, Anne Zilles)
July 21-23, 2014 KSETA-DoktorandenWorkshop
Tutorial: Giving Feedback (Olga Kambeitz, Simon Niemes, Anne Zilles)
Oct 16-18, 2013 KSETA-DoktorandenWorkshop
Tutorial: Simulation with GEANT (Geertje Heuermann, Anne Zilles)

Selected other activities

June, 2015 "Kids and Kosmos"
Planning, organisation and performance of interactive exhibition "Kids and Kosmos" in the context of the "EFFEKTE" festival of the KIT
Sept, 2014 "Astroparticle Slam"
Participation in a Science Slam during the meeting "Astroteilchen Physik i nDeutschland" at KIT, Karlsruhe
May 19 - Aug 8, 2014 DAAD Rise internship
Supervision of an undergraduate student project, financial support by KSETA
Feb 18/21, 2014 and June 17, 2015 Supervision of experiments to astroparticle physics
Hector-Seminar/Astroteilchen-Masterclass: Kamiokanne - kosmische Strahlung in der Kaffeekanne (Anne Zilles and colleagues)

KSETA Annual Reports

Arbeitsbericht 2013 Arbeitsbericht 2014 Arbeitsbericht 2015