Anne Zilles
Institute: EKP (CN)
Room: building 425, 135
Phone: CN-2661
PhD thesis
Emission of Radio Waves in Particle Showers: Validation of microscopic simulations with the SLAC T-510 experiment and their potential in the future Square Kilometer Array
Date of Defense: 25th of November 2016Publications
publications in refereed journals
other publications
contribution to international conferences
imulation study on high-precision radio measurements of the depth of shower maximum with SKA1-low" (Talk, Anne Zilles for the SKA Fokus Group on High Energy Cosmic Particles, 06/10/16),
proceedings to be published
Modeling of radio emission from a particle cascadein magnetic field and its experimental validation (Talk, Anne Zilles for the T510 Collaboration, 06/07/16),
proceedings to be published
Modelling of radio emission in the SLAc T-510 experiment using macroscopic Geant4 simulations (Poster, Anne Zilles for the T510 Collaboration),
PoS(ICRC2015)313, 2015
Geant4 simulations of radio signals from particle showers for the SLAC T-510 experiment (Talk, Anne Zilles for the T510 Collaboration, 06/09/14),
proceedings to be published
Overview: List of all talk and poster contributions
May 18-19, 2016 |
Workshop: "Research Management Training (ReMaT)", Brussels |
July 4-11, 2014 |
19th course of the International School of Cosmic Ray Astrophysics, Erice, Sicily, Italy Geant4 Simulations of Radio Signals from Particle Showers for the SLAC T-510 Experiment using the `End-Point Formalism` (Anne Zilles) |
Dec 4-6, 2013 |
Netzwerk Teilchenwelt - Workshop zur Vermittlung von Astro-/Teilchenphysik, Madgeburg |
Oct 2-10, 2013 |
Schule fuer Astroteilchenphysik, Obertrubach-Baernfels |
KSETA Topical Courses, Workshops, Lectures & Seminars
Selected Courses, Workshops, Lectures & Seminars:
Oct. 14, 2014 |
KSETA Topical Course Giving feedback and moderation skills (Olga Kambeitz, Anne Zilles) |
July 21-23, 2014 |
KSETA-DoktorandenWorkshop Tutorial: Giving Feedback (Olga Kambeitz, Simon Niemes, Anne Zilles) |
Oct 16-18, 2013 |
KSETA-DoktorandenWorkshop Tutorial: Simulation with GEANT (Geertje Heuermann, Anne Zilles) |
Selected other activities
June, 2015 |
"Kids and Kosmos" Planning, organisation and performance of interactive exhibition "Kids and Kosmos" in the context of the "EFFEKTE" festival of the KIT |
Sept, 2014 |
"Astroparticle Slam" Participation in a Science Slam during the meeting "Astroteilchen Physik i nDeutschland" at KIT, Karlsruhe |
May 19 - Aug 8, 2014 |
DAAD Rise internship Supervision of an undergraduate student project, financial support by KSETA |
Feb 18/21, 2014 and June 17, 2015 |
Supervision of experiments to astroparticle physics Hector-Seminar/Astroteilchen-Masterclass: Kamiokanne - kosmische Strahlung in der Kaffeekanne (Anne Zilles and colleagues) |