Benedikt Peters
Institute: ITEP
Building: 418 Campus Nord
Room: 225
Phone: +49 721 608 29260
peer reviewed paper
Benedikt Josef Peters, Christian Day,
Analysis of low pressure hydrogen separation from fusion exhaust gases by the means of superpermeability,
Fusion Engineering and Design, Volume 124, November 2017, Pages 696-699
Benedikt Josef Peters,
Metal Foil Pump Performance Aspects in View of the Implementation of Direct Internal Recycling for Future Fusion Fuel Cycles,
Fusion Engineering and Design, in review
publication at conference - conference talk and peer reviewed paper
T. Koettig, B. J. Peters, S. Avellino, T. Junginger, J. Bremer,
Study of Temperature Wave Propagation in Superfluid Helium Focusing on Radio-Frequency Cavity Cooling,
Cryogenic Engineering Conference CEC/ICMC Tucson, Arizona (2015)
published in the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 101, 2015
Selected for the CEC Russell B. Scott Memorial Award as Best Research Paper
(Talk was held by T. Koettig)
Benedikt J. Peters, Torsten Koettig, Tobias Junginger, Steffen Grohmann,
Wärmeübertragung in suprafluidem Helium für supraleitende Hohlraumresonatoren,
DKV-Tagung Düsseldorf (2014)
publication at conference - conference poster
Benedikt J. Peters, Thomas Giegerich, Christian Day,
Superpermeation as a Means to Realize Direct Internal Recycling of Tritium for Future Fusion Machines,
ISFNT-12, Jeju, South Korea (2015)
conference webpage
Benedikt J. Peters, Christian Day,
Analysis of Low Pressure Hydrogen Separation from Fusion Exhaust Gases by the Means of Superpermeability,
29th SOFT, Prague, Czech Republic (2016)
conference webpage
Benedikt J. Peters, Christian Day,
Analysis of Plasma Driven Permeation through Vanadium with non-metal Surface Layers,
International Hydrogen Conference, Moran, Wyoming, USA (2016)
conference webpage
Benedikt J. Peters,
Metal Foil Pump Performance Aspects in View of the Implementation of Direct Internal Recycling for Future Fusion Fuel Cycles,
ISFNT-13, Kyoto, Japan (2017)
conference webpage
publication at conference - conference talk
C. Day, T. Giegerich, B. Peters, X. Luo, H. Strobel,
100 Years of High Vacuum with the Vapour Diffusion Pump – from Mercury to Oil and Back,
20th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-29), Busan, Korea (2016)
conference webpage
(Talk was held by C. Day)
Benedikt Peters, Torsten Koettig, Johan Bremer,
Spot : Détection du second son pour l’identification des points chauds sur une cavité RF,
AFF 11es Journeés de cryogénie & de supraconductivité Savoie (2015)
(Talk was held by J. Bremer)