Karlsruhe School of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics: Science and Technology (KSETA)

Benedikt Zimmermann

Institute: IPE
Building 9602 (Campus Nord)
Room: 210
Phone: +49 721 608 24218
Email: benedikt.zimmermann2#kit.edu

Ph.D. Thesis

Title: "Radio-detection of ultra-high energy cosmic rays: multi-channel data acquisition and combined analysis of timing and energy information"
Date of examination: 21st July, 2017


B. Zimmermann for the Pierre Auger Collabortion: Cosmic ray physics with the Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA),
accepted by Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings (2017)


  • Praktikum: Elektronik für Physiker
    WS 2014/2015, Prof. Dr. Marc Weber
  • Praktikum: Elektronik für Physiker
    WS 2015/2016, Prof. Dr. Marc Weber

Attended Conferences, Workshops and Schools

  • KSETA PhD Workshop 2014
  • Schule fuer Astroteilchenphysik (SAT) 2014
  • HAP Midterm Evaluation 2014
  • AUGER Next Workshop 2014
  • KSETA Plenary Workshop 2015
  • DPG Spring Meeting 2015
  • KSETA Topical Course: Applying Python in Scientific Computing
  • KSETA Topical Course: Multivariate data analysis: New techniques and developments in the recent years
  • KSETA Topical Course: Effective Field Theory
  • KSETA Topical Course: What do I need, if I will leave science towards industry?
  • KSETA Plenary Workshop 2016
  • KSETA Topical Course: Particle propagation in astroparticle physics
  • KSETA Topical Course: Introduction to Cosmology
  • Conference Cosmic Ray International Seminar 2016 in Ischia
  • Auger Analysis Meeting 2016 in Karlsruhe
  • AERA Kollaborationsteffen 2017 in Karlsruhe
  • KSETA Plenary Workshop 2017