Karlsruhe School of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics: Science and Technology (KSETA)

Benjamin Schmidt


Institute: EKP
Room: 106, Bld. 402 (CN)
Phone: +49(0)721 608 - 23549
Email: b.schmidt#kit.edu

PhD Thesis

"Background discrimination of EDELWEISS-III cryogenic Ge-detectors for dark matter search"
Finished on Apr 24th, 2015 with summa cum laude

The EDELWEIS-III experiment is a direct dark matter search experiment using cryogenic Ge detectors with dual signal readout in ionization and heat for particle identification and background suppression. Within this thesis, a new data analysis framework has been developed. It features an automatic database driven processing and improved ionization signal filtering. A verification of the processing has been done and the focus of the thesis has been set on the analysis of surface backgrounds.

referee J. Bluemer
coreferee W. de Boer
advisor K. Eitel

Apr 2011 - Jan 2013: individual scholarship Landesgraduiertenförderung
Feb 2013 - Apr 2014: financed as KSETA fellow
May 2014 - Jun 2015: IKP PhD-position

KSETA Annual Reports

KSETA report 2013
KSETA report 2014

Publications (2015 -2011)

publications in refereed journals

other publications

talks at international conferences

talks at other conferences

Teaching and science communication (2015 - 2011)