Karlsruhe School of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics: Science and Technology (KSETA)

Caroline Fengler


Institute: IAP
Room: Geb. 402 R207
Phone: +49 721 608-24097
Email: caroline.fengler#kit.edu

PhD Thesis

Quantification of source effects and search for exotic particles and interactions at the KATRIN experiment
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Guido Drexlin (ETP, KIT)
Second Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Kathrin Valerius (IAP, KIT)

Master's Thesis

Investigation of Systematic Effects and Analysis of KATRIN 83mKr N23 Calibration Measurements
Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Guido Drexlin (ETP, KIT)
Second Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Husemann (ETP, KIT)


Research works on iNSPIREHEP

Conferences and Talks


42nd KATRIN Collaboration Meeting at KIT
Neutrino Conference (virtual), Poster: "Observables of the electric potential of the KATRIN tritium source from calibration with a high-intensity 83mKr source"
43rd KATRIN Collaboration Meeting at KIT, Talk: "A Look at General Neutrino Interactions with KATRIN Data"
Helmholtz Matter and the Universe Days at GSI Darmstadt
Discrete Symmetries Conference in Baden-Baden, Invited talk: "Overview of KATRIN Results on the Neutrino Mass and New Physics Searches"
German Conference for Women in Physics (DPT) at KIT, Poster: "A Look at General Neutrino Interactions with KATRIN Data"


44th KATRIN Collaboration Meeting at KIT, Talk: "A Look at General Neutrino Interactions with KATRIN"
German Physics Society Conference on Matter and Cosmos (DPG SMuK) in Dresden, Talk: "A Look at General Neutrino Interactions with KATRIN"
EPS-HEP Conference on High Energy Physics in Hamburg, Poster: "A Look at General Neutrino Interactions with KATRIN"
Helmholtz Matter and the Universe Days at KIT, Invited Talk: "A Look at General Neutrino Interactions with KATRIN"
45th KATRIN Collaboration Meeting at KIT, Talks: "A Look at General Neutrino Interactions with KATRIN" and "Discussion on neutrino mass constraints for the GNI and light sterile neutrino analyses"
IRN Neutrino Meeting at KIT
11th Symposium on "Large TPCs for low-energy rare event detection" in Paris, Invited Talk: "Latest KATRIN Results - Probing the Neutrino Mass and Beyond"


German Physics Society Spring Meeting of the Particle Physics Division at KIT, Talk: "A Look at General Neutrino Interactions with KATRIN"
46th Collaboration Meeting at KIT, Talk: "KATRIN and the dark MSW effect - Probing neutrino interactions with a dark background field"
Meeting of the KIT Advisory Board Meeting at KIT, Talk: "Looking beyond the Standard Model with KATRIN"
31st International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics in Milano Bicocca, Poster: "KATRIN and the dark MSW effect - Probing neutrino interactions with a dark background field"
42nd International Conference on High Energy Physics in Prague, Invited Talk: "Probing Physics Beyond the Neutrino Mass at the KATRIN Experiment"

Workshops and Summer Schools

KATRIN Analysis Workshop 2022 at TU Munich
10th KSETA Plenary Workshop 2023 in Durbach, Poster: "A Look at General Neutrino Interactions with KATRIN"
KATRIN Analysis Workshop 2023 in Muenster, Talk: "GNI Unblinding"
14th International Neutrino Summer School 2023 at FermiLab, Poster: "A Look at General Neutrino Interactions with KATRIN"
11th KSETA Plenary Workshop 2024 in Wildberg, Poster: "KATRIN and the dark MSW effect - Probing neutrino interactions with a dark background field"

Awards and Prizes

Poster Award at EPS-HEP in Hamburg

Other Activities

Excercise instructor for Astroparticle Physics II in 2022 and 2023
Part of the LOC for "German Conference for Women in Physics" in 2022
Member of the Board of the PhD Student Council (Dec 2022 - now)
Guided Tours at the KATRIN Experiment, among others Visit of St. Dominikus School for Girls
KSETA Equal Opportunity Representative (Mrch 2023 - now)
Organisation of the Girl's Day at KATRIN in 2023 and 2024
Help at KIT Campus Day and KIT Studieninformationstag in 2023
Help at KIT Arbeitsgruppenvorstellung in 2024
Support for Modern Experimental Physics 3 Exercise in 2024

KSETA Work Reports

Report 2022
Report 2023