@misc{gäßler2022kafe2, title = {kafe2 -- a Modern Tool for Model Fitting in Physics Lab Courses}, author = {Johannes Gäßler and Günter Quast and Daniel Savoiu and Cedric Verstege}, year = {2022}, eprint = {2210.12768}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {physics.ed-ph} }
@misc{gieseke2024nonperturbativeeffectstripledifferentialdijet, title = {Nonperturbative effects in triple-differential dijet and Z+jet production at the LHC}, author = {Stefan Gieseke and Maximilian Horzela and Manjit Kaur and Dari Leonardi and Klaus Rabbertz and Aayushi Singla and Cedric Verstege}, year = {2024}, eprint = {2412.19694}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {hep-ph}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2412.19694} }
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