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Dr. Daniela Schaefer |
Institute: ETP Room: CS 30.23/ R.9-10 Phone: +49 721 608 43559 ETP E-mail: Daniela.Schaefer#kit.edu |
PhD Thesis
Master Thesis
CMS Collaboration, CMS-PAS-B2G-18-002, to be published
CMS Collaboration, CMS-PAS-JME-18-001, to be published
CMS Collaboration, CMS-PAS-B2G-17-001, Phys. Rev. D 97, 7, doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.97.072006
CMS Collaboration, CMS-B2G-16-004, CERN-EP-2016-296 (2017)
Daniela Schaefer, Master thesis, IEKP-KA/3016-21 (2016)
Julia Gehrlein, Jens P. Oppermann, Daniela Schaefer, Martin Spinrath, Nucl. Phys. B 890 (2014)
Conferences and Talks
Topic | Conference | Location |
Searches for heavy resonances decaying into Z, W and Higgs bosons at CMS | Talk on behalf of the CMS Collaboration, SUSY2018: 26th International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions | 23.--27 Jul 2018, Barcelona |
A search for all-hadronic X to VV with a multi-dimensional fit | Talk and Poster at the D-CMS Workshop 2019 | 11--13. Sep 2019, Karlsruhe |
Search for all hadronic VV resonances with a multidimensional fit | Talk at the D-CMS Workshop 2018 | 19--21. Sep 2018, Hamburg |
Model-Independent Limits on Diboson Resonances with the CMS Detector at 13 TeV | Talk at the D-CMS Workshop 2016 | 05--07. Oct 2016, Hamburg |
Search for heavy resonances decaying into WW/WZ/ZZ at 13 TeV | Poster at ESHEP2018: 2018 CERN-JINR European School of High-Energy Physics | 20. Jun--3. Jul 2018, Maratea |
Diboson VV to jj | Talk at the B2G Winter Workshop | 04--05. Dec 2016, Geneva |
VV to jj | Talk at the B2G Winter Workshop | |
Eine Suche nach exotischen Resonanzen im Zwei-Boson-Zerfallskanal mit vollhadronischem Endzustand mit dem CMS-Experiment | Talk at DPG Spring Meeting 2019 | 25--29. Mar 2019, Aachen |
Eine Suche nach exotischen Resonanzen im Zwei-Boson-Zerfallskanal mit vollhadronischem Endzustand mit dem CMS-Experiment | Talk at DPG Spring Meeting 2018 | 19--23. Mar 2018, Wuerzburg |
Search for massive resonances decaying into WW, WZ, ZZ, qW and qZ in the dijet final state at 13 TeV with 35.9 fb-1 | Talk at DPG Spring Meeting 2017 | 27--31. Mar 2017, Muenster |
Modelunabhaengige Grenzen in der Suche nach Zwei-Boson-Resonanzen im semileptonischen Zerfallskanal | Talk at DPG Spring Meeting 2016 | 29. Feb --04. Mar 2016, Hamburg |
Advanced Training
KSETA Courses
- Introduction to Raspberry Pi
- Software Design for Scientists
- Probing the early Universe with Gravitational Waves
- What to do after leaving Science?
- Self-assessment and Application
- Understanding Machine Learning Methods
- Introduction to Multivariate Classification: Traditional Techniques and Deep Learning
- Introduction to Quantum Computing
- Software Design for Scientists
Workshops and Schools
- Research stay at CERN, Geneva, from 01.03.2018-31.08.2018
- 26 - 30/Aug/2019, GridKa School, Karlsruhe, Introduction to Go, Advanced Go: writing concurrent and distributed programs, Productive GPU Programming with OpenACC
- 04- 05/Feb/2019, Workshop, Zurich, Machine Learning for High Energy Physics - a mini course, How to do ultra fast Deep Neural Network inference on FPGAs
- 23 - 25/Jan/2019, Fulda, ``Workshop zur Vermittlung von Teilchenphysik'', Workshop to train the explanation of particle physics topics to the public.
- 20/Jun - 02/Jul/2018, Marathea, European School of High Energy Physics: Physics Beyond the Standard Model, Field Theory and the EW Standard Model, Cosmology and Dark Matter, QCD Under Extreme Conditions, Higgs Physics, Neutrino Physics, LHC Run-2 and Future Prospects, Practical Statistics, QCD, Gravitational Waves, Flavor Physics and CP Violation
- 05 - 15/Sep/2017, Maria Laach, 49. Herbstschule f\"ur Hochenergiephysik, Resultate des LHC, Semiconductor Detector Technologies, Electroweak Symmetry Breaking, QCD at the LHC, Flavour Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology, Particle Physics without Accelerators
- 29/Aug - 02/Sep/2016, GridKa School, Karlsruhe, Big Data Analysis (R), Modern Programming Techniques, Multi-Core and GPU Computing
Teaching Experience
Thesis Supervision, KIT
- Topic: ``Improving Diboson Analysis--b-tags and Multi-Dimensional Fits''-- Masters Thesis by Valerie Scheurer
- Topic:``Trigger Studies on 2017 CMS Data for decays into VV and Vq for dijet final states''-- Bachelor Thesis by Marco Link
- Promoting Particle Physics -- Masterclasses: ``Netzwerk Teilchenwelt'', Promoting Particle Physics in Schools, by offering a one day course in Particle Physics for students
- Mentoring Students (age 12-19), Heidelberg, Mentor in the ``Heidelberger Life Science Lab'' to foster scientifically and mathematically interested and gifted students, managing the ``Theoretische Physik'' and ``Klima und Umwelt'' AG from 2009--2015.