David Wellmann
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Start | Topic | Supervisor |
10/2016 | Top Quark Mass Effects in Higgs and Z Boson Pair Production and Higgs Boson DecaysProf. Dr. Matthias Steinhauser |
Publication list on INSPIRE HEP |
J. Davies, G. Mishima, M. Steinhauser, D. Wellmann
gg->ZZ: analytic two-loop results for the low- and high-energy regions
2020, [arXiv] -
J. Davies, G. Heinrich, S. P. Jones, M. Kerner, G. Mishima, M. Steinhauser, D. Wellmann
Double Higgs boson production at NLO: combining the exact numerical result and high-energy expansion
JHEP, 2019, [DOI], [arXiv] -
J. Davies, G. Mishima, M. Steinhauser, D. Wellmann
Double Higgs boson production at NLO in the high-energy limit: complete analytic results
JHEP, 2019, [DOI], [arXiv] -
J. Davies, G. Mishima, M. Steinhauser, D. Wellmann
Double Higgs Production in the High Energy Limit
PoS LL2018, 2018, [DOI], -
J. Davies, G. Mishima, M. Steinhauser, D. Wellmann
Double-Higgs boson production in the high-energy limit: planar master integrals
JHEP, 2018, [DOI], [arXiv] -
P. Marquard, A. V. Smirnov, V. A. Smirnov, M. Steinhauser, D. Wellmann
(g-2)μ at four loops in QED
PHIPSI17, 2017, [DOI], [arXiv] -
J. Davies, M. Steinhauser, D. Wellmann
Hadronic Higgs boson decay at order αs4 and αs5
PoS DIS2017, 2018, [DOI], [arXiv] -
J. Davies, M. Steinhauser, D. Wellmann
Completing the hadronic Higgs boson decay at order αs4
Nucl. Phys. B920, 2017, [DOI], [arXiv] -
P. Marquard, A. V. Smirnov, V. A. Smirnov, M. Steinhauser, D. Wellmann
MS-on-shell quark mass relation up to four loops in QCD and a general SU(N) gauge group
Phys. Rev. D 94, 2016, [DOI], [arXiv]
We compute next-to-leading order virtual two-loop corrections to the process gg->ZZ in the low- and high-energy limits,
considering the contributions with virtual top quarks. Analytic results for all 20 form factors are presented including
expansion terms up to 1/m12t and m32t. We use a Padé approximation procedure to extend the radius of convergence of the
high-energy expansion and apply this approach to the finite virtual next-to-leading order corrections.
We consider the next-to-leading order QCD corrections to Higgs boson pair production, using our recent calculation
of the form factors in the high-energy limit. We compute the virtual corrections to the partonic cross section,
applying Padé approximations to extend the range of validity of the high-energy expansion. This enables us to
compare to the exact numerical calculation in a significant part of the phase space and allows us to extend the virtual
matrix element grid, based on the exact numerical calculation, to larger values of the (partonic) transverse momentum of
the Higgs boson, which is important for boosted Higgs studies. Improved predictions for hadron colliders with centre-of-mass
energies of 14 TeV and 100 TeV are presented. The updated grid is made publicly available.
We compute the NLO virtual corrections to the partonic cross section of gg->HH, in the high energy limit.
Finite Higgs boson mass effects are taken into account via an expansion which is shown to converge quickly.
We obtain analytic results for the next-to-leading order form factors which can be used to compute the cross section.
The method used for the calculation of the (non-planar) master integrals is described in detail and explicit results are presented.
In this talk we summarize our work on NLO QCD corrections to the amplitude for double-Higgs boson production in the gluon fusion
channel. We describe our setup to reduce the Feynman integrals of the amplitude to a minimal set of master integrals, and how we
compute them. Finally we remark on how so-called uniformly transcendental integrals can be identified in the context of expansion
by regions, which we have used extensively in our computation of boundary conditions for systems of differential equations for the
master integrals.
We consider the virtual corrections to the process gg->HH at NLO in the high energy limit and compute the corresponding planar
master integrals in an expansion for small top quark mass. We provide details on the evaluation of the boundary conditions and
present analytic results expressed in terms of harmonic polylogarithms.
We review the four-loop QED corrections to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. The fermionic contributions with closed
electron and tau contributions are discussed. Furthermore, we report on a new independent calculation of the universal
four-loop contribution and compare with existing results.
We compute corrections to the decay of the Standard Model Higgs boson to hadrons, to the fourth order in the strong coupling constant
α. We use an effective theory in which the Higgs boson couples directly to bottom quarks and to gluons,
via top quark-mediated effective couplings. Numerically, our results are of a comparable size to the previously-known "massless"
contributions and complete the order αs4 corrections to the hadronic decay of the Higgs boson.
In these proceedings we also provide an independent cross check of the gluonic Higgs boson decay at order αs5.
We compute four-loop corrections to the hadronic decay of the Standard Model Higgs boson which are induced by effective
couplings to bottom quarks and gluons, mediated by the top quark. Our numerical results are comparable in size to the
purely massless contributions which have been known for a few years. The results presented in this paper complete the
order αs4 corrections to the hadronic Higgs boson decay.
We compute the relation between heavy quark masses defined in the modified minimal subtraction and the on-shell schemes.
Detailed results are presented for all coefficients of the SU(Nc) color factors. The reduction of the four-loop on-shell integrals is
performed for a general QCD gauge parameter. Altogether there are about 380 master integrals. Some of them are computed analytically,
others with high numerical precision using Mellin-Barnes representations, and the rest numerically with the help of FIESTA.
We discuss in detail the precise numerical evaluation of the four-loop master integrals.
Updated relations between various short-distance masses and the MS quark mass to
next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order accuracy are provided for the charm, bottom and top quarks.
We discuss the dependence on the renormalization and factorization scale.
Date | Event |
2016, Sep 21 - 23: | KSETA Topical Courses, KIT |
2016, Sep 26 - 28: | GRK Plenary Workshop, Freudenstadt |
2017, Feb 13 - 15: | KSETA Plenary Workshop, Durbach |
2017, Mar 20 - 24: | KSETA Topical Courses, KIT |
2017, Mar 27 - 31: | DPG Spring Conference (Talk), Münster |
2017, Apr 04 - 07: | KSETA Topical Courses, KIT |
2017, May 24 - 31: | KSETA Scientific Writing, KIT |
2017, Jun 05 - 16: | Summer School on Particle Physics, ICTP |
2017, Oct 11 - 13: | GRK Plenary Workshop (Talk), Bad Liebenzell |
2018, Feb 26 - 28: | KSETA Plenary Workshop, Durbach |
2018, Mar 05 - 16: | KSETA Topical Courses, KIT |
2018, Mar 19 - 23: | DPG Spring Conference (Talk), Würzburg |
2018, Sep 04 - 14: | 50. Herbstschule für Hochenergiephysik, Maria-Laach |
2018, Oct 04 - 12: | KSETA Topical Courses, KIT |
2019, Mar 25 - 29: | DPG Spring Conference (Talk), Aachen |
Semester | Lecture |
SS 2012: | Algorithmen I |
WS 2012/13: | Klassische Experimentalphysik I: Mechanik |
SS 2013: | Klassische Experimentalphysik II: Elektrodynamik |
WS 2013/14: | Klassische Theoretische Physik III: Elektrodynamik |
SS 2014: | Klassische Experimentalphysik II: Elektrodynamik |
WS 2014/15: | Praktikum Klassische Physik I |
SS 2015: | Moderne Theoretische Physik I: Quantenmechanik I |
WS 2015/16: | Rechnernutzung in der Physik |
SS 2016: | Moderne Experimentalphysik I: Atomphysik |
WS 2016/17: | Rechnernutzung in der Physik |
SS 2017: | Programmieren für Physiker: C++ |
WS 2017/18: | Moderne Theoretische Physik II: Quantenmechanik II - Übungsleiter |
SS 2018: | Programmieren für Physiker: C++ |
WS 2018/19: | Moderne Theoretische Physik II: Quantenmechanik II |
SS 2019: | Programmieren für Physiker: C++ |
Duration | Task |
2016 - 2020 | IT Administrator - operation and security maintenance of network, soft- and hardware, future development strategy, aquisition and commission of up-to-date high performance server for the TTP supercomputer cluster |
Title | Source |
Short version | (PDF, 184 kB) |
Full version | (PDF, 201 kB) |