@article{Aker:2019nlx, author = {Aker, M. and others}, title = {{Suppression of Penning discharges between the KATRIN spectrometers}}, collaboration = {KATRIN}, year = {2019}, eprint = {1911.09633}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {physics.ins-det}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1911.09633;%%} }
@article{Aker:2019qfn, author = {Aker, M. and others}, title = {{First operation of the KATRIN experiment with tritium}}, collaboration = {KATRIN}, year = {2019}, eprint = {1909.06069}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {physics.ins-det}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1909.06069;%%} }
@article{Altenmuller:2019ddl, author = {Altenmüller, K. and others}, title = {{High-resolution spectroscopy of gaseous $^\mathrm{83m}$Kr conversion electrons with the KATRIN experiment}}, year = {2019}, eprint = {1903.06452}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {physics.ins-det}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1903.06452;%%} }
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