Felix Riehn
Institute: IKP
Room: CN Bdg.425 Rm. 102
Phone: 24153
Email: felix.riehn#kit.edu
PhD thesis
Hadronic multiparticle production with SIBYLL
Date of defense: 11.12.2015
Other publications
1.0 Conference proceedings
- A new version of the event generator SIBYLL
F. Riehn with R. Engel, A. Fedynitch, T.K. Gaisser and T. Stanev,
The 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference, PoS(ICRC2015)558
- Charm in SIBYLL
F. Riehn with R. Engel, A. Fedynitch, T.K. Gaisser and T. Stanev,
International Symposium for Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions, CERN, 2014
- LHC Update of the Hadronic Interaction Model SIBYLL
F. Riehn with E-J. Ahn, R. Engel, T.K. Gaisser, P. Lipari and T. Stanev,
International Cosmic Ray Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2013
Talks at international conferences
- Performance and future Evolution of SIBYLL
HAP Composition workshop 2015, KIT
- Cosmic rays and hadronic interactions
Elastic and diffractive scattering Blois 2015, Borgo
- Charm in SIBYLL
F. Riehn with R. Engel, A. Fedynitch, T.K. Gaisser and T. Stanev,
International Symposium for Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions, CERN, 2014