Geertje Heuermann
Institute: EKP (CN)
Room: 108, Bld 402
Phone: + 49 (0)721 608 - 24672
PhD Thesis
"Active shielding of a 1-ton cryogenic detector array for Dark Matter search "
- C. Nones et al. "Axion searches with the EDELWEISS-II experiment", Astropart. Phys.(2013), arXiv: 1307.1488
- V. Kudryavtsev et al."Background studies for the EDELWEISS dark matter experiment", Astropart. Phys (2013), arXiv: 1305.3628
- B. Schmidt et al. "Muon-induced background in the EDELWEISS dark matter search", Astropart. Phys. 44 (2013) 28
- E. Armengaud et al. "Search for low-mass WIMPs with EDELWEISS-II heat-and-ionization detectors", Phys. Rev. D 86, 5, 051701 (2012)
Conferences and Talks (since 2012)
- Spring Workshop on GEANT4 simulations (Oct 28th - Nov 2nd 2013), iThemba Labs, Cape Town
- KSETA Workshop 2013 (Oct 16th - 18th 2013), Freudenstadt:
"Introduction to GEANT4" - The International School for AstroParticle Physics (ISAPP) (Jul 27th - Aug 6th 2013), Stockholm:
"The EURECA Active Shielding Concept" - Wissenschaftsfestival Karlsruhe "Effekte" (Jun 06th 2013), Karlsruhe:
"Was ist diese dunkle Materie eigentlich?" - DPG Spring Meeting (Mar 4th - 8th 2013), Dresden:
"The EURECA Active Shielding Concept" - HGF Midterm Evaluation POF-II Programme Astro (Nov 26th - 27th 2012), KIT:
"Muon-induced Signatures in Dark Matter Search" - Workshop "Data Analysis and Detector Technologies of the HAP Dark Universe" (Nov 18th - 23rd 2012), Burg Liebenzell:
"A water Cherenkov muon-veto for EURECA" - Workshop ATP in Deutschland (Sep 19th - 21st 2012), DESY-Zeuthen:
"Muon-induced signatures in Dark Matter searches from EDELWEISS to EURECA" - Summer school on dark matter detectors (Jul 11th - 21st 2012), KICP University of Chicago:
"Monte Carlo Simulation of μ- induced Background"
Teaching (since 2012)
- SS 2013:Supervision of a DAAD-RISE summer student
Research project: "Simulation of background sources for the future underground dark matter experiment EURECA" - WS 2012/2013: Physikalisches Fortgeschrittenen-Praktikum:
"Elementarteilchen" and "Gamma Koinzidenzspektroskopie" - SS 2012: Physikalisches Fortgeschrittenen-Praktikum:
"Elementarteilchen" and "Gamma Koinzidenzspektroskopie"
- Equal opportunity commissioner (KSETA)
- Representative of doctoral fellows at the KSETA Scientific Board