[1] Ming-Ming Long, Kirill Melnikov, and Jérémie Quarroz. Non-factorizable virtual corrections to Higgs boson production in weak boson fusion beyond the eikonal approximation. JHEP, 07:035, 2023. [ bib | DOI | arXiv ]
[2] Christian Brønnum-Hansen, Kirill Melnikov, Jérémie Quarroz, Chiara Signorile-Signorile, and Chen-Yu Wang. Non-factorisable contribution to t-channel single-top production. JHEP, 06:061, 2022. [ bib | DOI | arXiv ]
[3] Christian Brønnum-Hansen, Kirill Melnikov, Jérémie Quarroz, and Chen-Yu Wang. On non-factorisable contributions to t-channel single-top production. JHEP, 11:130, 2021. [ bib | DOI | arXiv ]
[4] Wojciech Bizon, Kirill Melnikov, and Jérémie Quarroz. On the interference of ggH and ccH Higgs production mechanisms and the determination of charm Yukawa coupling at the LHC. JHEP, 06:107, 2021. [ bib | DOI | arXiv ]

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