Karlsruhe School of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics: Science and Technology (KSETA)

Jonas Arnsberg


Campus South:
Institute of Technical Thermodynamics and Refrigeration (ITTK)
Bldg. 40.31, R. 114
Phone: +49 721 608-42731

Campus North:
Institute of Beam Physics and Technology (IBPT)
Bldg. 345, R. 313
Phone: +49 721 608-24968

Email: Jonas.Arnsberg#kit.edu


Application of cryogenic mixed-refrigerant cycles for cooling of compact accelerator technology.


[1] Paul Knipper, Jonas Arnsberg, Dirk Bertsche, Ronald Gneiting, and Thomas Wetzel. Modelling of condensation pressure drop for r134a and r134a-lubricant-mixtures in multiport flat tubes [modélisation de la chute de pression de condensation pour le r134a et les mélanges r134a-lubrifiants dans des tubes plats multiports]. International journal of refrigeration, 113:239–248, 2020. [ bib | DOI ]
[2] F. Nguyen, M. Carpanese, A. Petralia, A. Bernhard, J. Arnsberg, S. Fatehi, J. Gethmann, S. Grohmann, B. Krasch, T. Schmidt, M. Calvi, S. Danner, K. Zhang, N. Thompson, J. A. Clarke, H. M. Castañeda Cortés, D. J. Dunning, A. Hinton, B. Shepherd, R. Geometrante, M. Kokole, T. Milharcic, J. Pockar, A. Aksoy, Z. Nergiz, J. Marcos, F. Perez, A. W. Cross, L. Zhang, D. Zhu, S. C. Richter, A. Latina, A. Cianchi, V. Goryashko, G. D'Auria, S. Di Mitri, and R. Rochow. Undulators and light production with the xls-compactlight design study. Moscow University Physics Bulletin, 77(2):241--244, 2022. [ bib | DOI ]

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Conferences and Talks

[1] Jonas Arnsberg and Steffen Grohmann. Konzentrationsverschiebungen in einem kryogenen Gemischkältekreislauf mit mikrostrukturiertem Wärmeübertrager. Talk given at Deutsche Kälte- und Klimatagung (DKV-Tagung 2021), Dresden, Deutschland, 17.--19. November 2021, 2021. 54.11.11; LK 01. [ bib ]
[2] F. Nguyen, A. Bernhard, T. Schmidt, N. Thompson, J. Arnsberg, M. Calvi, M. Carpanese, A. Cianchi, J. A. Clarke, H. M. Castaneda Cortés, S. Danner, D. Dunning, S. Fatehi, R. Geometrante, J. Gethmann, S. Grohmann, A. Hinton, M. Kokole, B. Krasch, J. Marcos, T. Milharcic, Z. Nergiz, A. Petralia, J. Pockar, S. C. Richter, and B. Shepherd. Xls deliverable d5.2: Design studies for the undulator. [ bib ]
[3] Jonas Arnsberg, Michael Stamm, and Steffen Grohmann. Aufbau des Compact Accelerator Systems Teststand (COMPASS). Talk given at Deutsche Kälte- und Klimatagung (DKV-Tagung 2022), Magdeburg, Deutschland, 16.--18. November 2022, 2022. 54.11.11; LK 01. [ bib ]
[4] Andreas Grau, Jonas Arnsberg, Nicole Glamann, Bennet Krasch, David Saez de Jauregui, Hong Wu, Achim Hobl, and Steffen Grohmann. A thz superconducting undulator for flute - design parameters and layout. Poster presented at 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2023), Venedig, Italien, 7.--12. Mai 2023, 2023. 54.11.11; LK 01. [ bib ]
[5] Jonas Arnsberg, Michael Stamm, and Steffen Grohmann. Design of a high-current cryogenic test stand for compact accelerator systems. Talk given at 26th International Congress of Refrigeration (ICR 2023), Paris, Frankreich, 21.--25. August 2023, 2023. 54.11.11; LK 01. [ bib ]
[6] Jonas Arnsberg, Friederike Boehm, M. Stamm, and Steffen Grohmann. A test stand for energy-responsible accelerator systems. Talk given at iFAST Workshop "Superconductivity for Sustainable Energy Systems and Particle Accelerators" (2023), Darmstadt, Deutschland, 18.--20. Oktober 2023, 2023. 54.11.11; LK 01. [ bib ]
[7] Jonas Arnsberg, Friederike Boehm, and Steffen Grohmann. CMRC-gekühlte Stromzuführungen zur Erprobung in COMPASS. Talk given at Deutsche Kälte- und Klimatagung (DKV 2023), Hannover, Deutschland, 22.--24. November 2023, 2023. 54.11.11; LK 01. [ bib ]

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