Ramona Grober, Margarete Muhlleitner, Michael Spira, and Juraj Streicher.
NLO QCD Corrections to Higgs Pair Production including Dimension-6
JHEP, 09:092, 2015.
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J. Baglio, R. Grober, M. Muhlleitner, D. T. Nhung, H. Rzehak, M. Spira,
J. Streicher, and K. Walz.
NMSSMCALC: A Program Package for the Calculation of Loop-Corrected
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Comput. Phys. Commun., 185(12):3372--3391, 2014.
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Dao Thi Nhung, Margarete Muhlleitner, Juraj Streicher, and Kathrin Walz.
Higher Order Corrections to the Trilinear Higgs Self-Couplings in
the Real NMSSM.
JHEP, 11:181, 2013.
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