Karlsruhe School of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics: Science and Technology (KSETA)

Lukas Guelzow


Institute: Institute for Astroparticle Physics (IAP)
Room: Campus Nord - Building 425, Office 135
Phone: +49 721 608 6229
Email: lukas.guelzow#kit.edu

Doctoral Project

Title: Signal Model and Event Reconstruction for the Radio Emission of Inclined Air Showers for GRAND
Referees: Prof. Dr. Ralph Engel, Dr. Kumiko Kotera
Supervisor: Dr. Tim Huege
Start of PhD: June 2022


Title Authors Date Journal
On Stellar Migration from Andromeda to the Milky Way Lukas Gülzow, Malcolm Fairbairn, Dominik J. Schwarz 2023 arXiv eprints: 2306.08143

Conferences and Talks

Event Location Contribution Title of Presentation Date
17. Kosmologietag Bielefeld, Germany Talk On Stellar Migration from the Andromeda Galaxy June 2023
DPG Spring Meeting 2023 Dresden, Germany Talk Development of a Signal Model for the Radio Emission of Inclined Air Showers for GRAND March 2023
GRAND Collaboration Week Nijmegen, Netherlands Talk Development of a Signal Model of the Radio Emission of Inclined Air Showers for GRAND January 2023


Grant Institution Category Description Date
Erasmus+ European Union Scholarship Start of Master’s thesis project and lectures on cosmology and astroparticle physics at King's College London September 2019 - June 2020


Event Contribution Location Institute Date
KSETA Plenary Workshop Poster Durbach, Germany KSETA March 2023
KSETA PhD Workshop Talk Bad Herrenalb, Germany KSETA February 2023
Astroparticle School Talk Obertrubach, Germany FAU Erlangen October 2022
Deep Learning School Meinerzhagen, Germany RWTH Aachen August 2022


Semester Course
Summer 2023 Praktikum Klassische Physik Teil 2
Winter 2022/2023 Praktikum Klassische Physik Teil 1

Bachelor's and Master's Theses

Title Supervisor Institute Date
Hypervelocity stars originating in the Andromeda galaxy as a probe of primordial black holes Prof. Dominik J. Schwarz & Prof. Malcolm Fairbairn Bielefeld University March 2021
Untersuchung von Tetrastabilität in Quanten-Spinsystemen Prof. Jürgen Schnack Bielefeld University November 2017