Karlsruhe School of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics: Science and Technology (KSETA)
Bild von Dr. Marco Alexander Harrendorf

Dr. Marco Alexander Harrendorf

former PhD student at ETP

Primary focus of PhD research: Top and Higgs physics, MC event generation, Data analysis and Machine learning

Group: ETP

marco+kseta∂harrendorf net

Master thesis

Master thesis
Subject:Comparative studies of Monte Carlo event generationin leading order and next-to-leading order for the CMS collaboration
Type:Master thesis
Date:12. December 2013

Prof. Dr. Husemann

Prof. Dr. Müller

Person in Charge:Marco A. Harrendorf
Links:Master thesis

PhD thesis

PhD thesis
Subject:Measurement of the tt≥1b-jet cross section using novel analysis techniques at the CMS experiment
Type:PhD thesis
Date:22. June 2018

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Husemann

PD Dr. Stefan Gieseke

Links:PhD thesis

Stay abroad: IPPP, University of Durham, England

Stay abroad: IPPP, University of Durham, England
Subject:Contribution to the development of the Herwig7 event generator in the context of a MCnet studentship
Date:April to August 2015

Prof. Peter Richardson

Dr. Simon Plätzer

Stay abroad: CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

Stay abroad: CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Subject:Studies on the reduction of systematic uncertainties in the context of the ttH analysis
Type:Research stay
Date:November 2015 to March 2016

Publications (Selection)

  • Christian Reuschle et al. NLO efforts in Herwig++. In Proceedings, 12th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections (Radcor 2015) and LoopFest XIV (Radiative Corrections for the LHC and Future Colliders): Los Angeles, CA, USA, June 15-19, 2015, 2016. [ bib | arXiv | .pdf ]
  • Johannes Bellm et al. Herwig 7.0/Herwig++ 3.0 release note. Eur. Phys. J., C76(4):196, 2016. [ bib | DOI | arXiv ]
  • CMS Collaboration. Search for ttH production in the H->bb decay channel with sqrt(s)=13 TeV pp collisions at the CMS experiment, 2016. [ bib ]
  • D. de Florian et al. Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 4. Deciphering the Nature of the Higgs Sector, 2016. [ bib | arXiv ]
  • CMS Collaboration. Search for ttH production in the H->bb decay channel with 2016 pp collision data at sqrt(s)=13 TeV, 2016. [ bib ]
  • CMS Collaboration. Search for ttH production in the H-to-bb decay channel with
    leptonic tt decays in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV with the CMS
    detector, 2017.
  • CMS Collaboration. Search for tt̄H production in the H → bb̄ decay channel with
    leptonic tt̄ decays in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV, 2018.
  • 100+X more publications as co-author of the CMS collaboration

Conferences / Talks (Selection)

  • 2015
    • KSETA Plenary Workshop, 04. to 06. March 2015, Durbach
    • MCnet Employability Workshop, 28. to 29. May 2015, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
    • GRK Doktoranden Workshop, 24. to 26. August 2015, Althütte
      Talk on MC event generation
    • MCnet Monte Carlo School, 31. August to 04. September 2015, Spa, Belgium
      Tutor for the Herwig++ event generator
    • GridKa School, 07. to 11. September 2015, Karlsruhe
    • MCnet Meeting, 23. to 25. September 2015, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
      Talk "Report about MCnet short-term studentship in Durham and future plans"
    • GRK Workshop, 28. to 30. September 2015, Freudenstadt
    • FSP CMS Meeting, 07. to 09. October 2015, Karlsruhe
    • Data Science Workshop, 09. to 13. November 2015, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • 2016
    • ATLAS-CMS-Theory Monte Carlo Generator Workshop, 11. to 12. January 2016, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
      Representative of the CMS ttH group
    • CMS Generator Meeting: Discussion about huge ttH Samples, 18. January 2016, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
      Defending large ttH samples being the ttH-MC-Contakt
    • ttH Sync Exercise, 25. to 26. January 2016, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
      Representative of the ETP working group
    • Fire Extinguisher Course, 01. February 2016, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
    • Introduction to International Masterclasses, 04. February 2016, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
    • Tracker-DOC-Training-Shift, 08. to 14. February 2016, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
      Contact person for the operation of the CMS silicon-stripe detector
    • Tutor International Masterclasses, 15. and 17. February as well as 10. March 2016, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
    • KSETA Plenary Workshop, 22. to 24. February 2016, Durbach
    • DPG-Conference Hamburg, 28. February to  04. March 2016, Hamburg
      Talk about own research
    • CMS Herwig7 Meeting, 07. March 2016, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
      Organizer and key speaker
    • GRK Doktoranden-Workshop, 21. to 23. March 2016, Otterberg
      Talk on neural networks
    • KSETA Workshop Philosophy of Physics, 04. to 05. April 2016, Karlsruhe
    • MCnet School of Scientific Computing, 16. to 20. May 2016, Göttingen
    • European Summer School of High-Energy Physics, 15. to 28. June 2016, Skeikampen, Norway
    • KCETA Julius-Wess-Preis Lisa Randall, 07. and 08. July 2016, Karlsruhe
    • Tracker-DOC-Shift, 07. to 15. August 2016, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
      Contact person for the operation of the CMS silicon-stripe detector
    • Tracker-DOC-Shift, 28. August to 05. September 2016, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
      Contact person for the operation of the CMS silicon-stripe detector
    • GRK meeting, 26. to 28. September 2016, Freudenstadt
    • Herwig7 Tutorial, 06. to 07. October 2016, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
      Organizer and speaker for the CMS specific part
    • Top Cross Sections Round Table Meeting, 14. October 2016
    • Tracker-DOC-Shift, 13. to 21. November 2016, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
      Contact person for the operation of the CMS silicon-stripe detector
  • 2017
    • DPG-Conference Münster, 27. to 31. March 2017, Münster
      Talk about own research
    • University of Virginia, 19. April 2017, Charlottesville, USA
      Talk "Searching for the ttH(Hbb) and ttbb signal with novel techniques at CMS", additionally tutorial on usage of Tensorflow and NNFlow
    • University of Notre Dame, 25. April 2017, Notre Dame / South Bend, USA
      Talk "Searching for the ttH(Hbb) and ttbb signal with novel techniques at CMS"
    • GRK Workshop, 11. to 13. October 2017, Bad Liebenzell
      Talk "tt+bb Analyse"
    • Higgs Couplings 2017, 06. to 10. November 2017, Heidelberg
      Talk "Machine learning in Higgs analyses"

    • More than 40 further talks given within the CMS collaboration  
Supervised theses
Research topic Thesis title Student
Multivariate Klassifizierung mit künstlichen neuronalen Netzen zur Trennung von Unterprozessen der Top-Quark-Antiquark-Paar-Produktion Lukas Hilser
Study of ttˉ+bbˉ Modelling and Uncertainties of Monte Carlo Generators for the ttˉH(bbˉ)-Analysis at the CMS Experiment Andrej Saibel
Entwicklung und Erprobung eines NN-Klassifizierers für eine multivariate tt+Boson-Analyse am CMS-Experiment Lars Sowa
MVA-Studien mit binären neuronalen Netzen in der Suche nach ttH-Produktion am CMS-Experiment Jan van der Linden
Validierungsstudien zum Herwig7-Ereignisgenerator am CMS-Experiment Dominik Beutel
Trennung von Signal und Untergrund mit TensorFlow in einer Suche nach ttH-Produktion am CMS-Experiment Maximilian Welsch
Validation of the Herwig++-Matchbox framework for event generation at the CMS experiment Julia Hunt
Comparative studies in event generation at leading and next-to-leading order perturbation theory with the Sherpa+OpenLoops event generator for the ttH analysis at the CMS experiment Ralf Farkas
Verbesserung einer Rivet-Analyse und Visualisierung simulierter Kollisionsereignisse am CMS-Experiment Frederik Schaaf
Neue Jet-Merging-Algorithmen für Monte-Carlo-Generatoren in nächstführender Ordnung für die t+Jets-Produktion Korbinian Schweiger
Vergleich von Monte-Carlo-Generatoren in nächstführender Ordnung für die Top-Quark-Antiquark-Produktion Denise Müller