Karlsruhe School of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics: Science and Technology (KSETA)

Marco Roellig


Institute: ITEP
Room: CN, Building 451, Room 409
Phone: 0721 608 28439
Email: Marco.roellig#itep.fzk.de

Research Topic

Tritium analytics by beta induced X-ray spectrometry
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Guido Drexlin


  • CAPER as central and crucial facility to support R and D with tritium at the TLK
    D. Demange, E. Fanghaenel, S.Fischer, T-L. Le. F. Priester, M. Roellig, M. Schloesser, K.Simon
    Fusion Sci. Technol. (2014)
  • Monitoring of the operating parameters of the KATRIN Windowless Gaseous Tritium Source
    Babutzka et al.
    New Journal of Physics (2012)
  • Overview of R and D at TLK for process and analytical issues on tritium management in breeder blankets of ITER and DEMO
    Demange et al.
    Fusion Eng. Des. (2012)
  • Activity monitoring of a gaseous tritium source by beta induced X-ray spectrometry
    M. Roellig, J. Bonn, B. Bornschein, G. Drexlin, S. Ebenhoech, E. W. Otten
    Fusion Eng. and Des. (2013)
  • Status of the neutrino mass experiment KATRIN
    L. Bornschein, B. Bornschein, M. Sturm, M. Roellig, F. Priester
    Fusion Sci. Technol. (2015)
  • Post service examination of turbomolecular pumps after stress testing with kg-scale tritium throughput
    F. Priester, M. Roellig
    Fusion Sci. Technol. (2015)
  • Development of a compact tritium activity monitor and first tritium measurements
    M. Roellig, S. Ebenhoech, S. Niemes, F. Priester, M.Sturm
    Fusion Eng. and Des. (2015)
  • TRIADE: A new instrument for adsorption and desorption measurements using beta induced X-ray spectroscopy
    M. Babutzka, B. Bornschein, M. Klein, F. Priester, M. Roellig, F. Schneck
    Submitted for publication: Review of Scientific Instruments
  • Geant4 Monte Carlo simulations for sensitivity investigations of an experimental facility for the measurement of tritium surface contaminations by BIXS
    M. Roellig, B. Bornschein, S. Ebenhoech, F. Priester
    Submitted for publication: Fusion Eng. and Des.
  • Investigations of the applicability of a new accountancy tool in a closed tritium loop
    S. Ebenhoech, S. Niemes, F. Priester, M. Roellig
    Submitted for publication: Fusion Eng. and Des.
  • Monte Carlo Simulation for a compact gaseous tritium monitor utilizing bremsstrahlung counting (BIXS) for various process gases
    S. Niemes, M. Roellig, S. Ebenhoech, F. Priester, M. Sturm
    Submitted for publication: Fusion Eng. and Des.

Conferences and Talks