Marvin Fuchs
Institute: Institute for Data Processing and Electronics (IPE)
Building: 9602
Room: 204
Phone: +49 721 608-25642
PhD Topic
Topic: Creation of a Framework for the Development and Flexible Adaptation of Software and Firmware for DAQ platforms
Supervisor: Priv. Dz. Dr. Oliver Sander
- IEEE TNS | M. Fuchs, L.E. Ardila-Perez, T. Mehner, and O. Sander | Split Boot - True Network-Based Booting on Heterogeneous MPSoCs
Conferences and Talks
- CERN SoC Interest Group Meeting | Talk | Kria, Split Boot and beyond – An update of the Serenity group ZynqMP activities
- 23rd IEEE Real Time Conference | Poster | Split Boot - True Network-Based Booting on Heterogeneous MPSoCs
- 8th Annual MT Meeting and Student Retreat | Poster, Talk | Split Boot - True network-based booting on heterogeneous MPSoCs
- QSolid 2nd Collaborative Meeting | Talk | Introduction to QiCode
- 3rd CERN System-on-Chip Workshop | Talk | Split Boot v2 - Simple and Reliable Network-Based Booting for Serenity-S1 and other Boards with ZynqMP Devices
- 9th Annual MT Meeting and Student Retreat | Poster | Split Boot v2 - Simple and Reliable Network-Based Booting for AMD ZynqMP Devices