Dr. Max Renschler
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PhD Thesis
A Prototype Radio Detector for the IceCube Surface EnhancementDOI: 10.5445/IR/1000104529
Characterization of Hamamatsu 64-channel TSV SiPMsDOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2018.01.029
Detector developments for a hybrid particle and radio array for cosmic-ray air-shower detection
DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1181/1/012075
First measurements with prototype radio antennas for the IceTop detector array
Link: arXiv:1908.10565
Characterisation of 64 channel SiPM arrays for the Silicon Elementary Cell Add-on (Master thesis)
Link: Document
Research travel
Amundsen-Scott South-Pole station (Antarktis), January 2019Deployment of a prototype radio detector
Conferences, workshops and talks
HAP Workshop - The Non-Thermal Universe 21. - 23. September 2016, ErlangenPresentation: SiPM for space application
3. Matter and Technologies Student Retreat 30. - 31. January 2017, Darmstadt (GSI) (Germany)
Presentation: Silicon photomultiplier for space application
International School for Space Science: Cosmic-Ray Physics in Space 12. - 16. June 2017, L'Aquila (Italy)
Poster and Presentation: SiPMs for space application
Silicon PhotoMultipliers Technologies and Space Experiments 08. - 09. May 2018, L'Aquila (Italy)
Presentation: The SENSE project, SiPM characterization and application
SENSE Techforum 21. - 22. June 2018, Geneva (Switzerland)
Poster: SiPM characterization at KIT
PRISMA School 2018: Photosensors and Signal Processing in Particle Detectors 12. - 16. March 2018, Mainz (Germany)
26th Extended European Cosmic Ray Symposium 2018 01. - 10. July 2018, Barnaul (Russia)
Presentation: Detector developments for a hybrid particle and radio array for cosmic-ray air-shower detection
Astroparticle physics in Germany - Status and perspectives 17. - 19. September 2018, Mainz (Germany)
Poster: SiPM characterization at KIT
ICRC 2019 24. Juli - 01. August 2019, Madison (USA)
Poster: First measurements with prototype radio antennas for the IceTop detector array
Collaboration meetings
18th JEM-EUSO Collaboration Meeting 07. - 11. December 2015, Stockholm (Sweden)19th JEM-EUSO Collaboration Meeting 22. - 24. June 2016, Paris (France)
IceCube Collaboration Meeting 02. - 06. October 2017, Berlin (Germany)
IceCube Collaboration Meeting 24. - 28. September 2018, Stockholm (Sweden)
IceCube Collaboration Meeting 30. April - 4. May 2019, Madison (USA)
DPG meetings
DPG Meeting 2016 29. Ferburary - 4. March 2016, HamburgPresentation: Charakterisierung von 64 Channel SiPM Arrays fuer das SiECA Projekt
DPG Meeting 2017 27. - 31. March 2017, Muenster
Presentation: Characterisation of 64 channel SiPM arrays for the SiECA project
DPG Meeting 2018 19. - 23. March 2018, Wuerzburg
Presentation: A prototype hybrid particle and radio detector for the IceCube experiment
DPG Meeting 2019 25. - 29. March 2019, Aachen
Presentation: Development of cosmic-ray radio detectors for the IceCube experiment
Teaching activities
Physics for computer scientists 1, 2017, Head of exerciseExperimental physics 1, 2017 - 2018, Tutor
Experimental physics 2, 2018, Tutor
KSETA topical courses
Application of Python in Scientific ComputingDr. Manuel Giffels, 2019
Machine learning, deep learning
Prof. Dr. Gregor Kasieczka, 2019
General theoretical concepts of particle physics
Dr. Monika Blanke, 2018
Silicon detectors: concepts, understanding and characterization
Prof. Dr. Robert Klanner, 2018
Introduction to Multivariate Classification: Traditional Techniques and Deep Learning
Thomas Keck, 2019
Statistical Methods for (Astro-) Particle Physics
Prof. Dr. Ricardo Piegaia, 2017
Fundamental physics studied with radio astronomy
Dr. Michael Kramer, 2017
What do I need if I will leave science towards industry
Udo Erdmann, 2017
KSETA activities
KSETA Plenary Workshop February 2017, DurbachKSETA Plenary Workshop February 2018, Durbach
Poster: Hybrid particle and radio detector development for the IceTop Enhancement of the IceCube experiment
KSETA Plenary Workshop February 2019, Durbach