Karlsruhe School of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics: Science and Technology (KSETA)

Michael Karus


April 2016 Institute: Institut für Kernphysik (IKP) - Institute for Nuclear Physics (IKP)

Building: 425  Room: 339

Phone: +49 (0)721 / 608-23732

Email: michael.karus#kit.edu

Work: JEM-EUSO, hardware, single photon calibration, photo sensors, photomultipliers, silicon photomultipliers, Origin, LabView

PhD-topic: Development of a Calibration Stand for Photosensors for Extremely High-Energy Cosmic Ray Research
Date of PhD-defence: 22. Jan. 2016




M. Karus
"Development of a Calibration Stand for Photosensors for Extremely High-Energy Cosmic Ray Research"
DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000054408

JEM-EUSO Collaboration


J.H. Adams Jr. et al (JEM-EUSO Collaboration)
"An Evaluation of the exposure in nadir observation of the JEM-EUSO mission"
Astroparticle Physics 44 (2013) 76-90, DOI: 10.1016/j.astropartphys.2013.01.008


M. Karus & N. Sakaki (for the JEM-EUSO Collaboration)
Proceedings of the ICRC 2013, Rio de Janeiro (Brasil)
"On-board calibration system of the JEM-EUSO mission" (Poster - ID: 0545)
ArXiv e-prints (2013), arXiv: 1307.7071 [astro-ph.IM]


J.H. Adams Jr. et al (JEM-EUSO Collaboration)
"Ultra high energy photons and neutrinos with JEM-EUSO"
Experimental Astronomy (2013), DOI: 10.1007/s10686-013-9353-2
Corresponding Authors: A.D. Supanitsky, G. Medina-Tanco, A. Guzmán


J.H. Adams Jr. et al (JEM-EUSO Collaboration)
"Performances of JEM-EUSO: angular reconstruction"
Experimental Astronomy (2014), DOI: 10.1007/s10686-013-9371-0
Corresponding Authors: S. Biktemerova, A. Guzmán, T. Mernik


J.H. Adams Jr. et al (JEM-EUSO Collaboration)
"JEM-EUSO observational technique and exposure"
Experimental Astronomy (2014), DOI: 10.1007/s10686-014-9376-3
Corresponding Authors: M. Bertaina, P. Bobik, F. Fenu, K. Shinozaki


J.H. Adams Jr. et al (JEM-EUSO Collaboration)
"JEM-EUSO: Meteor and nuclearite observations"
Experimental Astronomy (2014), DOI: 10.1007/s10686-014-9375-4
Corresponding Authors: M. Bertaina, A. Cellino, F. Ronga


J.H. Adams Jr. et al (JEM-EUSO Collaboration)
"The JEM-EUSO observation in cloudy conditions"
Experimental Astronomy (2014), DOI: 10.1007/s10686-014-9377-2
Corresponding Authors: A. Guzmán, G. Sáez-Cano, K. Shinozaki


J.H. Adams Jr. et al (JEM-EUSO Collaboration)
"The atmospheric monitoring system of the JEM-EUSO instrument"
Experimental Astronomy (2014), DOI: 10.1007/s10686-014-9378-1
Corresponding Authors: S. Toscano, J.A. Morales de los Ríos, A. Neronov, M.D. Rodríguez Frías, S. Wada


J.H. Adams Jr. et al (JEM-EUSO Collaboration)
"The infrared camera onboard JEM-EUSO"
Experimental Astronomy (2014), DOI: 10.1007/s10686-014-9402-5
Corresponding Authors: J.A. Morales de los Ríos, M.D. Rodríguez Frías


J.H. Adams Jr. et al (JEM-EUSO Collaboration)
"The JEM-EUSO instrument"
Experimental Astronomy (2014), DOI: 10.1007/s10686-014-9418-x
Corresponding Authors: M. Casolino, F. Kajino, L.W. Piotrowski


J.H. Adams Jr. et al (JEM-EUSO Collaboration)
"Ground-based tests of JEM-EUSO components at the Telescope Array site, "EUSO-TA""
Experimental Astronomy (2015), DOI: 10.1007/s10686-015-9441-6
Corresponding Authors: Yoshiya Kawasaki, Lech Wiktor Piotrowski


J.H. Adams Jr. et al (JEM-EUSO Collaboration)
"Performances of JEM-EUSO: energy and Xmax reconstruction"
Experimental Astronomy (2015), DOI: 10.1007/s10686-014-9427-9
Corresponding Authors: F. Fenu, A. Santangelo, D. Naumov


J.H. Adams Jr. et al (JEM-EUSO Collaboration) * significant contribution
"Calibration aspects of the JEM-EUSO mission"
Experimental Astronomy (2015), DOI: 10.1007/s10686-015-9453-2
Corresponding Authors: Andreas Haungs, Philippe Gorodetzky, Naoto Sakaki, Lawrence Wiencke


J.H. Adams Jr. et al (JEM-EUSO Collaboration)
"Science of atmospheric phenomena with JEM-EUSO"
Experimental Astronomy (2015), DOI: 10.1007/s10686-014-9431-0
Corresponding Authors: K. Slominska, J. Blecki, G. Garipov, P.A. Klimov, J. Slominski


J.H. Adams Jr. et al (JEM-EUSO Collaboration)
"Erratum to: Performances of JEM-EUSO: angular reconstruction"
Experimental Astronomy (2015), DOI: 10.1007/s10686-014-9420-3
Corresponding Authors: S. Biktemerova, A. Guzmán, T. Mernik


J.H. Adams Jr. et al (JEM-EUSO Collaboration)
"Erratum to: Ultra high energy photons and neutrinos with JEM-EUSO"
Experimental Astronomy (2015), DOI: 10.1007/s10686-015-9470-1
Corresponding Authors: A.D. Supanitsky, G. Medina-Tanco, A. Guzmán


M. Karus (for the JEM-EUSO Collaboration)
Proceedings of the CSSP2014, Sinaia (Romania)
"Calibration of photo sensors for the space-based cosmic ray telescope JEM-EUSO"
AIP Conference Proceedings 1645, 353 (2015) DOI: 10.1063/1.4909600


M. Karus, F. Bisconti & T. Huber (for the JEM-EUSO Collaboration)b>
Proceedings of the ICRC 2015, The Hague (The Netherlands)
"Ground calibration of MAPMT and SiPM for JEM-EUSO" (Poster - ID: 0612)
PoS Conference Proceedings (to be published), PoS(ICRC2015)612



2013 March 04-08

DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Dresden (Germany)
"Kalibrierung von Multianodenphotomultipliern für das Fluoreszenzteleskop JEM-EUSO"
T 97.3

2013 May 23-25

532. Wilhelm-Else-Heraeus-Seminar, Bad Honnef (Germany)
"Kalibrierung von Multianodenphotomulitipliern für das Fluoreszenzteleskop JEM-EUSO" (Poster)

2014 March 24-28

DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Mainz (Germany)
"Kalibrierung von Multianodenphotomultipliern für das Fluoreszenzteleskop JEM-EUSO"
T 30.6

2015 March 09-13

DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Wuppertal (Germany)
"Die JEM-EUSO Mission - Astroteilchenphysik bei höchsten Energien" (Group report)
T 13.6

2016 Feb. 29 - March 04

DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Hamburg (Germany)
"SPOCK - Single PhOton Calibration stand at KIT"
T 82.3


2012 Sept. 19-21

HAP-Meeting, Zeuthen (Germany)
"Prospective UHECR Observatory JEM-EUSO" (Poster)
Stefanie Falk & Michael Karus

2013 Jan. 24-25

HAP-Workshop: Topic 4 - New Technologies, Karlsruhe (Germany)

2014 June 02-03

HAP-Workshop: Topic 4 - New Technologies, Zeuthen (Germany)
"Prospective EHECR Observatory JEM-EUSO" (Talk)

2014 Sept. 29 - Oct. 01

HAP-Meeting: Astroteilchenphysik in Deutschland - Status und Perspektiven, Karlsruhe (Germany)

Participant in the Astroparticle-SLAM (open to the public)
"Extreme Universe Space Observatory - von einer Kiste im Labor zur Kamera im All" (Talk)

JEM-EUSO Collaboration Meetings

2012 Dec. 01-08

12th International JEM-EUSO Meeting, Tokyo (Japan)
"Calibration set-up at KIT - Status" (Talk)
"Possible in-flight calibration light source" (Talk)

2013 April 08-11

JEM-EUSO Simulation & Atmospheric Monitoring System Meeting, Karlsruhe (Germany)

2013 June 17-21

13th International JEM-EUSO Meeting, Tenerife (Spain)
"Calibration set-up at KIT - Status" (Talk)

2013 Dec. 02-06

14th International JEM-EUSO Meeting, Tokyo (Japan)
"EUSO-TA tests at RIKEN" (Talk)
"Calibration stand simulation at ICRR" (Talk)

2014 June 09-13

15th International JEM-EUSO Meeting, Palermo (Italy)
"Silicon Photomultiplier testing for JEM-EUSO" (Talk)

2015 June 22-26

17th International JEM-EUSO Meeting, Tokyo (Japan)
"SiPM calibration at KIT" (Talk)


2012 Oct. 04-11

Schule für Astroteilchenphysik 2012, Obertrubach-Bärnfels (Germany)
"Kalibrierung von Photomulitipliern im Rahmen des JEM-EUSO Fluoreszenzteleskops" (Talk)

2013 Jan. 29-30

AugerNEXT Workshop, Karlsruhe (Germany)

2013 Sep. 16 - Dec. 14

Foreign Exchange Scholarship (KHYS-funded) at RIKEN & ICRR, Tokyo (Japan)

2014 July 13-22

Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2014, Sinaia (Romania)
Exotic Nuclei and Nuclear/Particle Astrophysics (V) "From nuclei to stars"
"Calibration of photo sensors for the space-based cosmic ray telescope JEM-EUSO" (Talk)

2014 Oct. 07-10

Seminar at workgroup of M. Bertaina (INFN), Turin (Italy)
"Calibration of photo sensors for the space-based cosmic ray telescope JEM-EUSO" (Invited talk)

KSETA Activities

KSETA Lectures & Seminars

2013 Aug. 14-15

Space-based observation of ultra-high energy cosmic rays
M. Bertaina (INFN)

2014 Feb. 24-26

KSETA Plenary Workshop 2014
Bad Herrenalb

2014 July 10-11

Studies of atmospheric neutrinos
T. Kajita (ICRR)

2014 Oct. 27 - Nov. 07

Black hole astrophysics
G.E. Romero (CONICET & UNLP)

2015 Mar. 04-06

KSETA Plenary Workshop 2015

2016 Feb. 22-24

KSETA Plenary Workshop 2016

KSETA Topical Courses

2013 Feb. 25-26

Electronics for detector builders
M. Weber (KIT)

2013 Feb. 27-28

Introduction to astroparticle physics, cosmology and neutrino physics
G. Drexlin (KIT)

2014 March 31

Project Management
U. Erdmann (Fa. Tiber)

2014 April 04

Introduction and use of Raspberry Pi
H.-J. Mathes (KIT)

2014 April 09-10

Multivariate methods of data analysis (TMVA)
H. Voss (CERN)

2014 Oct. 16

Giving feedback and moderation skills
A. Zilles (KIT) & O. Kambeitz (KIT)

2015 Mar. 20

Scientific writing - A quick-start guide
S. Fischer (KIT)

KSETA Annual Reports

Jahresbericht 2013 (German)

Jahresbericht 2014 (English)