Moritz Bauer
Institute: ETP
Building: KIT CS 30.23
Room: 9-11
Phone: +49 721 608-47034
Research Project
Title: Measuring the Branching Fraction of B → r l nl Decays with the Belle II ExperimentDate: 27.10.2023 Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Torben Ferber
Second Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Günter Quast
Teaching Experience
Tutor for:
- SS2022: Particle Physics 1
- WS2021: Advanced Physics Lab Courses
- SS2021: Data Analysis
- WS2020: Particle Physics 2: Flavour Physics
- WS2019: Particle Physics 2: Flavour Physics
- 2018: Physics Lab Courses ("Franck-Hertz Experiment"/ "Pendel")
Publications (Reviewed)
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K. Lieret, G. Angioni, M. Bauer, M. Bertemes, S. Bilokin, A. Di Canto, G. Casarosa, R. Cheaib, S. Cunliffe, N. Eberlein, M. Eliachevitch, M. Garcia, P. Grace, D. Greenwald, O. Hartbrich, C.-L. Hsu, I. Komarov, T. Kuhr, Y. Kulii, F. Meier, M. Milesi, A. Mora, G. De Pietro, M. Prim, M. Ritter, P. Schmolz, U. Tamponi, F. Tenchini, M. Villanueva, H. Marie Wakeling, X.-Y. Zhou A new Software Training Model at Belle II Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2438 012052, 2023. doi |
Conferences and Talks
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Belle II Collaboration Reconstruction of B → r l nl decays identified using hadronic decays of the recoil B meson in 2019 - 2021 Belle II data arXiv, 2211.15270, 2022. arXiv Conference Note |
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M. Bauer, M. Fischer, M. Giffels, G. Quast and M. Schnepf XRootD caching for Belle II International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research, 2022. ACAT 2022 Poster |
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Belle II Collaboration Exclusive B → Xu l nl Decays with Hadronic Full-event-interpretation Tagging in 62.8 fb-1 of Belle II Data arXiv, 2111.00710, 2021. arXiv Conference Note |
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M. Bauer, P. Goldenzweig Belle II Grid Computing Developments at KIT DPG Spring Meeting 2022 |
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M. Bauer, P. Goldenzweig, T. Ferber Exclusive B → Xu l nl Decays with Hadronic Tagging in Belle II Data DPG Spring Meeting 2022 |
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M. Bauer for the Belle II Collaboration Belle II status and prospects for semileptonic decay HQL2021 - The XV International Conference on Heavy Quarks and Leptons |
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M. Bauer, P. Goldenzweig Extending the Full Event Interpretation to the Y(5S) system at Belle DPG Spring Meeting 2021 |