Karlsruhe School of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics: Science and Technology (KSETA)

Moritz Erhard


Institute: EKP (CN)
Room: CN 402/221
Email: moritz.erhard#kit.edu

Publications and Talks

Publications in Refereed Journals

  • "High-voltage monitoring with a solenoid retarding spectrometer at KATRIN experiment",
    M. Erhard et al., Journal of Instrumentation, Volume 9, July 2014,
  • "Electron line shape of the KATRIN monitor spectrometer",
    M. Slezák et al., J. Instrum. 8, T12002 (2013),

Other Publications

  • "Untersuchung der Langzeitstabilität des nuklearen Standards für die Energieskala des KATRIN-Experiments",
    M. Erhard, Diploma thesis, KIT/IEKP, Jul 2012.

Talks at International Conferences

  • M. Erhard, M. Slezak, "Monitoring of the high voltage stability in the KATRIN experiment",
    Poster at XXVI International Conference on Neutrinophysics and Astrophysics "Neutrino 2014", 2014.

Other Talks

  • M. Erhard, "Eigenschaften der Rb83/Kr83m Quelle am KATRIN Monitorspektrometer",
    Talk at DPG Spring Meeting (Mainz), 2012.
  • M. Erhard, "Ein Jahr Messungen am KATRIN Monitorspektrometer",
    Talk at DPG Spring Meeting (Dresden), 2013.
  • M. Erhard, "Messungen der Tranmissionseigenschaften des KATRIN Hauptspektrometers",
    Talk at DPG Spring Meeting (Frankfurt am Main), 2014.
  • S. Groh, M. Erhard, N. Trost, "Kassiopeia particle tracking framework",
    Tutorials, KSETA Doctoral Workshop, Freudenstadt, 21.07. - 23.07.2014.
  • M. Erhard, "Messungen der Tranmissionseigenschaften des KATRIN Hauptspektrometers",
    Talk at DPG Spring Meeting (Heidelberg), 2015.

Conferences and Talks

Annual Reports

Report 2013