Moritz Erhard
Institute: EKP (CN)
Room: CN 402/221
Publications and Talks
Publications in Refereed Journals
"High-voltage monitoring with a solenoid retarding spectrometer at KATRIN experiment",
M. Erhard et al., Journal of Instrumentation, Volume 9, July 2014,
doi:10.1088/1748-0221/9/06/P06022. -
"Electron line shape of the KATRIN monitor spectrometer",
M. Slezák et al., J. Instrum. 8, T12002 (2013),
Other Publications
"Untersuchung der Langzeitstabilität des nuklearen Standards für die Energieskala des KATRIN-Experiments",
M. Erhard, Diploma thesis, KIT/IEKP, Jul 2012.
Talks at International Conferences
M. Erhard, M. Slezak, "Monitoring of the high voltage stability in the KATRIN experiment",
Poster at XXVI International Conference on Neutrinophysics and Astrophysics "Neutrino 2014", 2014.
Other Talks
M. Erhard, "Eigenschaften der Rb83/Kr83m Quelle am KATRIN Monitorspektrometer",
Talk at DPG Spring Meeting (Mainz), 2012. - M. Erhard, "Ein Jahr Messungen am KATRIN Monitorspektrometer",
Talk at DPG Spring Meeting (Dresden), 2013. - M. Erhard, "Messungen der Tranmissionseigenschaften des KATRIN Hauptspektrometers",
Talk at DPG Spring Meeting (Frankfurt am Main), 2014. - S. Groh, M. Erhard, N. Trost, "Kassiopeia particle tracking framework",
Tutorials, KSETA Doctoral Workshop, Freudenstadt, 21.07. - 23.07.2014. -
M. Erhard, "Messungen der Tranmissionseigenschaften des KATRIN Hauptspektrometers",
Talk at DPG Spring Meeting (Heidelberg), 2015.