Karlsruhe School of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics: Science and Technology (KSETA)

Nahuel Agustín Müller


In Germany In Argentina
Institute IMS ITeDA
Location Hertzstraße 16, Karlsruhe, Germany Av. Gral. Paz 1499, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Building CS 06.41, Room 107 CNEA-CAC, Building 42
Phone - +54-11-6772-7548
Email nahuel.mueller@partner.kit.edu nahuel.muller@iteda.cnea.gov.ar

PhD Topic

Preliminary title: SQUID Multiplexer for Cryogenic Bolometric Detectors
KIT Supervisor: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sebastian Kempf
UNSAM Supervisor: Dr. Eng. Alejandro Almela


[1] M. E. García Redondo et al. Optimal demodulation domain for microwave SQUID multiplexers in presence of readout system noise. J. Appl. Phys., 136(11):114401, 2024. [ bib | DOI | arXiv ]
[2] M. Platino et al. The Magnetic Microbolometer Detection Chain: A Proposed Detection System to Observe the B Modes of the Cosmic Microwave Background. J. Low Temp. Phys., 217(5-6):762--771, 2024. [ bib | DOI ]
[3] Juan Geria et al. Antenna-Coupled Magnetic Microbolometers for CMB Polarization Surveys. J. Low Temp. Phys., 217(3-4):472--480, 2024. [ bib | DOI ]
[4] Matías Hampel et al. The Magnetic Microbolometer: A Proposal for QUBIC Next Gen. J. Low Temp. Phys., 217(3-4):401--408, 2024. [ bib | DOI ]
[5] L. P. Ferreyro et al. Advances in the Goertzel Filter Bank Channelizer for Cryogenic Sensors Readout. J. Low Temp. Phys., 217(3-4):409--417, 2024. [ bib | DOI ]
[6] L. P. Ferreyro et al. An implementation of a channelizer based on a Goertzel Filter Bank for the read-out of cryogenic sensors. JINST, 18(06):P06009, 2023. [ bib | DOI | arXiv ]
[7] M. E. García Redondo et al. RFSoC Gen3-Based Software-Defined Radio Characterization for the Readout System of Low-Temperature Bolometers. J. Low Temp. Phys., 215(3-4):161--169, 2024. [ bib | DOI | arXiv ]
[8] Juan Manuel Geria et al. Suitability of magnetic microbolometers based on paramagnetic temperature sensors for CMB polarization measurements. J. Astron. Telesc. Instrum. Syst., 9(1):016002, 2023. [ bib | DOI | arXiv ]

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Conferences and Talks

KSETA Annual reports