@article{Aab:2016vlz, author = {Aab, Alexander and others}, title = {{The Pierre Auger Observatory Upgrade - Preliminary Design Report}}, collaboration = {Pierre Auger}, year = {2016}, eprint = {1604.03637}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {astro-ph.IM}, reportnumber = {FERMILAB-DESIGN-2016-05}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1604.03637;%%} }
@article{Aab:2016enk, author = {Aab, Alexander and others}, title = {{Azimuthal asymmetry in the risetime of the surface detector signals of the Pierre Auger Observatory}}, collaboration = {Pierre Auger}, journal = {Phys. Rev.}, volume = {D93}, year = {2016}, number = {7}, pages = {072006}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.93.072006}, eprint = {1604.00978}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {astro-ph.HE}, reportnumber = {FERMILAB-PUB-16-094-AD-AE-CD-TD}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1604.00978;%%} }
@article{PierreAuger:2016zxi, author = {Aab, A. and others}, title = {{Nanosecond-level time synchronization of autonomous radio detector stations for extensive air showers}}, collaboration = {Pierre Auger}, journal = {JINST}, volume = {11}, year = {2016}, number = {01}, pages = {P01018}, doi = {10.1088/1748-0221/11/01/P01018}, eprint = {1512.02216}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {physics.ins-det}, reportnumber = {FERMILAB-PUB-15-560-AD-CD-TD}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1512.02216;%%} }
@article{Aartsen:2015dml, author = {Aartsen, M. G. and others}, title = {{Search for correlations between the arrival directions of IceCube neutrino events and ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays detected by the Pierre Auger Observatory and the Telescope Array}}, collaboration = {IceCube, Pierre Auger, Telescope Array}, journal = {JCAP}, volume = {1601}, year = {2016}, number = {01}, pages = {037}, doi = {10.1088/1475-7516/2016/01/037}, eprint = {1511.09408}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {astro-ph.HE}, reportnumber = {FERMILAB-PUB-15-520-AD-AE-CD-TD}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1511.09408;%%} }
@article{Aartsen:2015siv, author = {Aartsen, M. G. and others}, title = {{The IceCube Neutrino Observatory, the Pierre Auger Observatory and the Telescope Array: Joint Contribution to the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2015)}}, collaboration = {IceCube, Pierre Auger, Telescope Array}, year = {2015}, eprint = {1511.02109}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {astro-ph.HE}, reportnumber = {FERMILAB-CONF-15-494-AD-AE-CD-TD}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1511.02109;%%} }
@article{Abbasi:2015czo, author = {Abbasi, R. U. and others}, title = {{Pierre Auger Observatory and Telescope Array: Joint Contributions to the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2015)}}, collaboration = {Pierre Auger, Telescope Array}, year = {2015}, eprint = {1511.02103}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {astro-ph.HE}, reportnumber = {FERMILAB-CONF-15-495-AD-AE-CD-TD}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1511.02103;%%} }
@article{Kambeitz:2015bnf, author = {Kambeitz, Olga}, title = {{Radio Detection of Horizontal Extensive Air Showers with AERA}}, collaboration = {Pierre Auger}, year = {2015}, eprint = {1509.08289}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {astro-ph.IM}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1509.08289;%%} }
@proceedings{Aab:2015bza, author = {Aab, Alexander and others}, title = {{The Pierre Auger Observatory: Contributions to the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2015)}}, collaboration = {Pierre Auger}, url = {http://inspirehep.net/record/1393211/files/arXiv:1509.03732.pdf}, year = {2015}, eprint = {1509.03732}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {astro-ph.HE}, reportnumber = {FERMILAB-CONF-15-396-AD-AE-CD-TD}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1509.03732;%%} }
@article{Aab:2015vta, author = {Aab, Alexander and others}, title = {{Energy Estimation of Cosmic Rays with the Engineering Radio Array of the Pierre Auger Observatory}}, collaboration = {Pierre Auger}, journal = {Submitted to: Phys. Rev. D}, year = {2015}, eprint = {1508.04267}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {astro-ph.HE}, reportnumber = {FERMILAB-PUB-15-354-AD-AE-CD-TD}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1508.04267;%%} }
@article{Aab:2015kma, author = {Aab, Alexander and others}, title = {{Improved limit to the diffuse flux of ultrahigh energy neutrinos from the Pierre Auger Observatory}}, collaboration = {Pierre Auger}, journal = {Phys. Rev.}, volume = {D91}, year = {2015}, number = {9}, pages = {092008}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.91.092008}, eprint = {1504.05397}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {astro-ph.HE}, reportnumber = {FERMILAB-PUB-15-150-AD-AE-CD-TD}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1504.05397;%%} }
@article{ThePierreAuger:2015rha, author = {Aab, Alexander and others}, title = {{Measurement of the cosmic ray spectrum above 4 $\times$ 10$^{18}$ eV using inclined events detected with the Pierre Auger Observatory}}, collaboration = {Pierre Auger}, journal = {JCAP}, volume = {1508}, year = {2015}, pages = {049}, doi = {10.1088/1475-7516/2015/08/049}, eprint = {1503.07786}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {astro-ph.HE}, reportnumber = {FERMILAB-PUB-15-099-AD-AE-CD-TD}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1503.07786;%%} }
@article{ThePierreAuger:2015rma, author = {Aab, Alexander and others}, title = {{The Pierre Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory}}, collaboration = {Pierre Auger}, journal = {Nucl. Instrum. Meth.}, volume = {A798}, year = {2015}, pages = {172-213}, doi = {10.1016/j.nima.2015.06.058}, eprint = {1502.01323}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {astro-ph.IM}, reportnumber = {FERMILAB-PUB-15-034-AD-AE-CD-TD}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1502.01323;%%} }
@article{ThePierreAuger:2014nja, author = {Aab, Alexander and others}, title = {{Large Scale Distribution of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays Detected at the Pierre Auger Observatory With Zenith Angles up to 80°}}, collaboration = {Pierre Auger}, journal = {Astrophys. J.}, volume = {802}, year = {2015}, number = {2}, pages = {111}, doi = {10.1088/0004-637X/802/2/111}, eprint = {1411.6953}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {astro-ph.HE}, reportnumber = {FERMILAB-PUB-14-488-AD-AE-CD-TD}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1411.6953;%%} }
@article{PierreAuger:2014yba, author = {Aab, Alexander and others}, title = {{Searches for Anisotropies in the Arrival Directions of the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays Detected by the Pierre Auger Observatory}}, collaboration = {Pierre Auger}, journal = {Astrophys. J.}, volume = {804}, year = {2015}, number = {1}, pages = {15}, doi = {10.1088/0004-637X/804/1/15}, eprint = {1411.6111}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {astro-ph.HE}, reportnumber = {FERMILAB-PUB-14-487-AD-AE-CD-TD}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1411.6111;%%} }
@article{Aab:2014dha, author = {Aab, Alexander and others}, title = {{Search for patterns by combining cosmic-ray energy and arrival directions at the Pierre Auger Observatory}}, collaboration = {Pierre Auger}, journal = {Eur. Phys. J.}, volume = {C75}, year = {2015}, number = {6}, pages = {269}, doi = {10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3471-0}, eprint = {1410.0515}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {astro-ph.HE}, reportnumber = {FERMILAB-PUB-14-384-AD-AE-CD-TD}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1410.0515;%%} }
@article{Aab:2014aea, author = {Aab, A. and others}, title = {{Depth of maximum of air-shower profiles at the Pierre Auger Observatory. II. Composition implications}}, collaboration = {Pierre Auger}, journal = {Phys. Rev.}, volume = {D90}, year = {2014}, number = {12}, pages = {122006}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.90.122006}, eprint = {1409.5083}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {astro-ph.HE}, reportnumber = {FERMILAB-PUB-14-347-AD-AE-CD-TD}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1409.5083;%%} }
@article{Aab:2014kda, author = {Aab, Alexander and others}, title = {{Depth of maximum of air-shower profiles at the Pierre Auger Observatory. I. Measurements at energies above $10^{17.8}$ eV}}, collaboration = {Pierre Auger}, journal = {Phys. Rev.}, volume = {D90}, year = {2014}, number = {12}, pages = {122005}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.90.122005}, eprint = {1409.4809}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {astro-ph.HE}, reportnumber = {FERMILAB-PUB-14-348-AD-AE-CD-TD}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1409.4809;%%} }
@article{Aab:2014ila, author = {Aab, Alexander and others}, title = {{Searches for Large-Scale Anisotropy in the Arrival Directions of Cosmic Rays Detected above Energy of $10^{19}$ eV at the Pierre Auger Observatory and the Telescope Array}}, collaboration = {Pierre Auger, Telescope Array}, journal = {Astrophys. J.}, volume = {794}, year = {2014}, number = {2}, pages = {172}, doi = {10.1088/0004-637X/794/2/172}, eprint = {1409.3128}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {astro-ph.HE}, reportnumber = {FERMILAB-PUB-14-325-AD-AE-CD-TD}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1409.3128;%%} }
@article{Aab:2014pza, author = {Aab, Alexander and others}, title = {{Muons in air showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory: Mean number in highly inclined events}}, collaboration = {Pierre Auger}, journal = {Phys. Rev.}, volume = {D91}, year = {2015}, number = {3}, pages = {032003}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.91.059901, 10.1103/PhysRevD.91.032003}, note = {[Erratum: Phys. Rev.D91,no.5,059901(2015)]}, eprint = {1408.1421}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {astro-ph.HE}, reportnumber = {FERMILAB-PUB-14-290-AD-AE-E-TD}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1408.1421;%%} }
@article{Aab:2014dua, author = {Aab, Alexander and others}, title = {{Muons in air showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory: Measurement of atmospheric production depth}}, collaboration = {Pierre Auger}, journal = {Phys. Rev.}, volume = {D90}, year = {2014}, number = {1}, pages = {012012}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.92.019903, 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.012012, 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.039904}, note = {[Erratum: Phys. Rev.D92,no.1,019903(2015)]}, eprint = {1407.5919}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {hep-ex}, reportnumber = {FERMILAB-PUB-14-246-AD-AE-CD-TD}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1407.5919;%%} }
@article{Aab:2014gua, author = {Aab, Alexander and others}, title = {{Reconstruction of inclined air showers detected with the Pierre Auger Observatory}}, collaboration = {Pierre Auger}, journal = {JCAP}, volume = {1408}, year = {2014}, number = {08}, pages = {019}, doi = {10.1088/1475-7516/2014/08/019}, eprint = {1407.3214}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {astro-ph.HE}, reportnumber = {FERMILAB-PUB-14-234-AD-AE-CD-TD}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1407.3214;%%} }
@article{Aab:2014caa, author = {Aab, Alexander and others}, title = {{A Targeted Search for Point Sources of EeV Neutrons}}, collaboration = {Pierre Auger}, journal = {Astrophys. J.}, volume = {789}, year = {2014}, pages = {L34}, doi = {10.1088/2041-8205/789/2/L34}, eprint = {1406.4038}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {astro-ph.HE}, reportnumber = {FERMILAB-PUB-14-192-AD-AE-CD-TD}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1406.4038;%%} }
@article{Aab:2014bha, author = {Aab, Alexander and others}, title = {{A search for point sources of EeV photons}}, collaboration = {Pierre Auger}, journal = {Astrophys. J.}, volume = {789}, year = {2014}, number = {2}, pages = {160}, doi = {10.1088/0004-637X/789/2/160}, eprint = {1406.2912}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {astro-ph.HE}, reportnumber = {FERMILAB-PUB-14-196-AD-AE-CD-TD}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1406.2912;%%} }
@article{Aab:2014qva, author = {Aab, Alexander and others}, title = {{Origin of atmospheric aerosols at the Pierre Auger Observatory using studies of air mass trajectories in South America}}, collaboration = {Pierre Auger}, journal = {Atmos. Res.}, volume = {149}, year = {2014}, pages = {120-135}, doi = {10.1016/j.atmosres.2014.05.021}, eprint = {1405.7551}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {astro-ph.IM}, reportnumber = {FERMILAB-PUB-14-162-AD-AE-CD-TD}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1405.7551;%%} }
@article{Aab:2014esa, author = {Aab, Alexander and others}, title = {{Probing the radio emission from air showers with polarization measurements}}, collaboration = {Pierre Auger}, journal = {Phys. Rev.}, volume = {D89}, year = {2014}, number = {5}, pages = {052002}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.89.052002}, eprint = {1402.3677}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {astro-ph.HE}, reportnumber = {FERMILAB-PUB-14-030-AD-AE-CD-TD}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1402.3677;%%} }
@article{Aab:2013ika, author = {Letessier-Selvon, Antoine and others}, title = {{Highlights from the Pierre Auger Observatory}}, booktitle = {{Proceedings, 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2013): Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2-9, 2013}}, collaboration = {Pierre Auger}, journal = {Braz. J. Phys.}, volume = {44}, year = {2014}, pages = {560-570}, doi = {10.1007/s13538-014-0218-6}, note = {[,1277(2013)]}, eprint = {1310.4620}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {astro-ph.HE}, reportnumber = {FERMILAB-CONF-13-513-AD-AE-CD-TD, ICRC2013}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1310.4620;%%} }
@inproceedings{Array:2013dra, author = {Abu-Zayyad, T. and others}, title = {{Pierre Auger Observatory and Telescope Array: Joint Contributions to the 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2013)}}, booktitle = {{Proceedings, 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2013)}}, collaboration = {Pierre Auger, Telescope Array}, url = {http://inspirehep.net/record/1256453/files/arXiv:1310.0647.pdf}, year = {2013}, eprint = {1310.0647}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {astro-ph.HE}, reportnumber = {FERMILAB-CONF-13-599-AD-AE-CD-TD}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1310.0647;%%} }
@inproceedings{ThePierreAuger:2013eja, author = {Aab, Alexander and others}, title = {{The Pierre Auger Observatory: Contributions to the 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2013)}}, booktitle = {{Proceedings, 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2013)}}, collaboration = {Pierre Auger}, url = {http://lss.fnal.gov/archive/2013/conf/fermilab-conf-13-285-ad-ae-cd-td.pdf}, year = {2013}, eprint = {1307.5059}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {astro-ph.HE}, reportnumber = {FERMILAB-CONF-13-285-AD-AE-CD-TD}, slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ARXIV:1307.5059;%%} }
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