Karlsruhe School of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics: Science and Technology (KSETA)

Pascal Nagel

P. Nagel


Institute: ITP
Building: 30.23
Room: 12.07
Phone: +49 721 / 608 46364
Email: pascal.nagel#alumni.kit.edu

PhD Thesis

Title: Numerical solution of the sphaleron S-hat in SU(3) Yang-Mills-Higgs theory
Defense date: 21.7.2017

Publications in Refereed Journals


WS 2015/16: Moderne Theoretische Physik II: Quantenmechanik II
SS 2015: Klassische Theoretische Physik II: Mechanik
WS 2014/15: Moderne Theoretische Physik II: Quantenmechanik II
SS 2014: Moderne Theoretische Physik I: Quantenmechanik I

Other Responsibilities

2015 - 2017: ITP Institute Admin (Cluster, Server, Desktops)

Selected Talks

Jul 2017 Numerical solution of the sphaleron S-hat in SU(3) Yang-Mills-Higgs theory PhD exam, Karlsruhe
Mar 2017 More on a new sphaleron in SU(3) Yang-Mills-Higgs theory KSETA Plenary Workshop, Durbach
Feb 2016 A new sphaleron in SU(3) Yang-Mills-Higgs theory DPG Spring Conference, Hamburg
Jul 2015 Paradoxes in Physics KCETA PhD Workshop, Freudenstadt
Dec 2011 Partonic Cross Sections as Colliders Seminar talk, Karlsruhe

Conferences, Workshops & Summer Schools

Feb 2017: KSETA Plenary Workshop, Durbach
Sep 2016: Maria Laach Summer School, Maria Laach
Mar 2016: GK Doctoral Workshop, Otterberg
Mar 2016: DPG Conference, Hamburg
Feb 2016: KSETA Plenary Workshop, Durbach
Nov 2015: KCETA Symposium: Particles and the Universe, Shanghai
Sep 2015: GridKa School, Karlsruhe
Jul 2015: KSETA Doctoral Workshop, Freudenstadt
Mar 2015: KSETA Plenary Workshop, Durbach

Completed Courses
Apr 05 - 07 2017: Introduction to statistical methods in particle and astroparticle physics
Prof. Thomas Schwetz-Mangold
Sep 15 + 22 2016: Collaborative software design
Manuel Giffels, Dr. Martin Heck, Thoas Hauth
Sep 10 2015: Apache Spark in Scientific Applications
GridKa School 2015, Karlsruhe
Sep 09 2015: Application development with relational and non-relational databases
GridKa School 2015, Karlsruhe
Sep 08 2015: Elastic Search, Logstash and Kibana
GridKa School 2015, Karlsruhe
Oct 15 - 16 2015: Multivariate data analysis: New techniques and developments in the recent years
Dr. Stefan Ohm (DESY Zeuthen)
Mar 26 - 27 2015: Applying Python in Scientific Computing
Dr. Manuel Giffels
Mar 19 2015: What do I need, if I will leave science towards industry?
Dr. Udo Erdmann
Apr 04 - 05 2017: Introduction to Lattice Gauge Theory
Stefan Sint (Trinity College Dublin)
Sep 21 - 22 2016: Introduction to string theory
Dr. Timo Weigand (Uni Heidelberg)
Jun 23 - Jul 10 2015: Instantons and Supersymmetry
Prof. Dr. Arkady Vainshtein (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA)
Apr 07 - 08 2016: Slavnov-Taylor-Identities and SUSY breaking in Dimensional Reduction
Prof. Dominik Stoeckinger
Oct 12 - 13 2015: Effective Field Theory
Prof. Dr. Thomas Becher
Mar 17 - 18 2015: Practical detector physics in the lab for non-experimentalists
Prof. Ulrich Husemann, Prof. Guenter Quast, Dr. Alexander Dierlamm, Dr. Ralf Ulrich
Jul 10 - 11 2014: Studies of atmospheric neutrinos
Prof. Dr. Takaaki Kajita
Detailed Transcript
(with abstracts)
(PDF, 192 KB)

Work Reports (internal)
Title Source
KSETA-Arbeitsbericht 2014 (PDF, 42 KB)
KSETA-Arbeitsbericht 2015 (PDF, 124 KB)
KSETA-Arbeitsbericht 2016 (PDF, 85 KB)