Karlsruhe School of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics: Science and Technology (KSETA)

Paul Tremper


Institute: TTP
Room: 12/21
Phone: +49 721 608 48365
Email: paul.tremper#kit.edu

Thesis topic:
Supersymmetric radiative corrections to flavour-changing neutral current processes


Conferences and Talks

28.10. - 30.10. 2014: Flavourful Ways to New Physics, Freudenstadt
- Talk: A Solution to Singularities Arising at NLO in the Calculation of epsilon'/epsilon
23.02. - 25.02. 2015: New Physics at Belle II, Karlsruhe - Part of the organization team
04.03. - 06.03. 2015: KSETA Plenary Workshop, Durbach
24.08. - 26.08. 2015: GK Doctoral Workshop, Althuette


WS 2013/14: Moderne Theoretische Physik fuer Lehramt
WS 2014/15: Moderne Theoretische Physik II: Quantenmechanik II
WS 2015/16: Moderne Theoretische Physik fuer Lehramt