Karlsruhe School of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics: Science and Technology (KSETA)

Radek Podskubka



Institute: ITP
Room: 12-06
Email: radek.podskubka#kit.edu

KSETA Doctoral Representative [2016/2017]

Research Topic

Final states with multiple jets at the LHC
Supervisor: PD Dr. Stefan Gieseke

Publications and Talks


  • D. de Florian et al., Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 4. Deciphering the Nature of the Higgs Sector arXiv:1610.07922


  • [SS, 2017] Theoretische Teilchenphysik 1 (Tutorium)
  • [WS, 2016/2017] Moderne Theoretische Physik II (Tutorium)

Meetings, Schools, Workshops and Conferences

Meetings, Workshops and Conferences

  • [July, 2017] KSETA Fellow Workshop Summer 2017. Freudenstadt, Germany.
  • [February, 2017] 4th KSETA Plenary Workshop. Durbach, Germany
  • [November, 2016] MCnet Grant Writing Day. CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • [November, 2016] MCnet Meeting. CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • [September, 2016] GRK-KCETA Workshop. Freudenstadt, Germany
  • [April, 2016] MCnet Meeting. Göttingen, Germany
  • [February, 2016] 3th KSETA Plenary Workshop. Durbach, Germany
  • [September, 2015] 12th MCnet Meeting. CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • [September, 2015] GRK-KCETA Workshop. Freudenstadt, Germany
  • [July, 2015] KSETA Fellow Workshop Summer 2015. Freudenstadt, Germany.


  • [July, 2017] MCnet School. Lund, Sweden.
  • [July, 2016] MCnet and CTEQ Scool. DESY, Hamburg, Germany


  • Master of Science in Particle Physics: Charles University in Prague (Prague, Czech Republic).
  • Bachelor in General Physics: Charles University in Prague (Prague, Czech Republic).