Raphael Friese
Institute: EKP (CS)
Room: CS 30.23 / R. 8-22
Phone: 47243
Email: raphael.friese#kit.edu
Establishing the Standard Model Higgs Boson in the Decay Channel H → τ τ with LHC Run II data
Doctoral Research Project 2013-2017
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Günter Quast
Second Supervisor: Priv.-Doz. Dr. RogerWolf
A new Multivariate Approach for the Higgs to Di-Tau to Di-Muon AnalysisCMS AN-2013/192 -- Search for Higgs boson decays to tau pairs in the di-muon and di-electron channels (CMS account needed)
CMS AN-2013/011 -- Search for Neutral Higgs Bosons in Di-Tau Final States with the full 2011 and 2012 Dataset (Moriond Top-up) (CMS accound needed)
CMS DP-2015/042 -- Multivariate Determination of the Missing Energy in the Transverse Plane at 13 TeV
CMS DP-2015/034 -- Pileup per particle identification: preparation for Run 2
Conferences and Talks
Talk on the Higgs → ττ → μμ analysis using BDTs at DPG Conference 2013Introduction to BDTs at the KSETA Workshop 2013
Talk on the Artus Software Framework at DPG Conference 2014
Talk on the reconstruction of Missing Energy in transvere plane at DPG Conference 2014
Poster at LHCP 2015