Karlsruhe School of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics: Science and Technology (KSETA)

Robin Roth


Institute: ITP
Advisor: Prof. Dieter Zeppenfeld
Advising Postdocs: Francisco Campanario, Michael Rauch
Mentor: Prof. Ulrich Husemann
Office: room 12/17 in building 30.23
Phone: 0721/608-43583
Email: robin.roth@kit.edu


Publications in Refereed Journals

Other Publications

PhD Thesis

Exam date: 30.06.2017

Diploma Thesis

Profile on inspire

Conference/Workshop Presentations

  • Anomalous couplings in WZ production beyond NLO QCD
    GK Workshop, 2016, Freudenstadt
  • NLO QCD Corrections to Vector-Boson Pair Production (Poster)
    NextGen@Helmholtz 2016, Braunschweig
  • Anomalous couplings in WZ production beyond NLO QCD
    XIIth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece
    Multi-Boson Interactions (MBI) 2016, Madison, USA
  • Anomalous couplings in WZ production beyond NLO QCD
    LHCP 2016, Lund, Sweden
  • QCD Corrections to LHC Cross Sections
    KSETA Plenary Workshop 2016, Durbach
  • Anomalous couplings in WZ production beyond NLO QCD
    DPG Tagung 2016, Hamburg
  • NLO QCD Corrections to Vector-Boson Pair Production (Poster)
    KCETA-IHEP-SJTU Symposium Particles and the Universe, 2015, Shanghai
  • Effective Field Theory
    GK PhD Workshop 2015, Althütte
  • QCD radiation patterns in WH and WZ production and anomalous coupling measurements
    DPG Tagung 2015, Wuppertal
  • NLO QCD corrections to WH + jet production
    DPG Tagung 2014, Mainz

Summer Schools

  • MITP Summer School - New Physics on Trial at LHC Run II, Mainz, 2016
  • CTEQ School, Pittsburgh, USA, 2015
  • Summer School and Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond, Corfu, Greece, 2014
  • MCnet Monte Carlo School, Göttingen, 2013

Workshops organized

Softskill Talks

  • Continuous Integration with Gitlab ITP Institute Seminar, SS2016
  • Version Control with GIT KSETA Doktorandenworkshop 2014, Freudenstadt

KSETA Courses

  • Slavnov-Taylor-Identities and SUSY breaking in Dimensional Reduction
    Prof. Dominik Stöckinger, Spring 2016
  • Effective Field Theory
    Prof. Thomas Becher, Fall 2015
  • Data visualization and presenting
    Simon Niemes, Fall 2014
  • Mentoring of Bachelor students
    Beate Bornschein, Magnus Schlösser, Fall 2014

Former Roles

  • Representative of the academic staff in the Physics faculty council 2015 - 2017
  • System administrator of ITP, 2013 - 2017
  • PhD Student representative within GRK 1694, 2014 - 2017
  • (founding) Member of the Board of the Doktorandenkonvent Physik, 2015/2016
  • HeJu Representative of KIT, 2014/2015
  • Speaker of the HeJu Events group, 2015