Karlsruhe School of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics: Science and Technology (KSETA)

Rudolf Schimassek


Institute: IPE
Email: Rudolf.Schimassek#kit.edu

PhD Thesis

Development and Characterisation of integrated Sensors for Particle Physics
Defense date: 3rd December 2021


[1] K. Arndt et al., “Technical design of the phase I Mu3e experiment,” NIMA, 2021
[2] H. Augustin et al., “Perfomance of the large scale HV-CMOS pixel sensor MuPix8,” JInst, 2019
[3] H. Augustin et al., “MuPix8 - Large area monolithic HVCMOS pixel detector for the Mu3e experiment,” NIMA, 2018
[4] R. Blanco et al., “HVCMOS monolithic sensors for the high luminosity upgrade of ATLAS experiment,” JInst, 2017
[5] F. Ehrler et al., “Characterisation results of a HVCMOS sensor for ATLAS,” NIMA, 2018
[6] F. Ehrler et al., “HVCMOS pixel detectors - first measurements on the reticle size prototype for the ATLAS pixel layers,” NSS/MIC2016, 2016
[7] M. Kiehn et al., “Performance of CMOS pixel sensor prototypes in ams H35 and aH18 technology for ATLAS ITk upgrade,” NIMA, 2018
[8] I. Perić et al., “High-voltage CMOS active pixel sensor,” JSSC, 2021
[9] M. Prathapan et al., “Design of a HVCMOS pixel sensor ASIC with on-chip readout electronics for ATLAS ITk Upgrade,” PoS, 2019
[10] M. Prathapan et al., “Towards a large area HVCMOS demonstrator for ATLAS ITk,” NIMA, 2018
[11] I. Perić et al., “Status of HVCMOS Developments for ATLAS,” JInst, 2017
[12] I. Perić et al., “A high-voltage pixel sensor for the ATLAS upgrade,” NIMA, 2019
[13] M. Prathapan et al., “ATLASpix3: A high voltage CMOS sensor chip designed for ATLAS Inner Tracker,” PoS, 2019
[14] A. Schöning et al., “MuPix and ATLASPix - Architectures and Results,” arXiv, 2020
[15] R. Schimassek et al., “Test results of ATLASPIX3 - a reticle size HVCMOS pixel sensor designed for construction of multi chip modules,” NIMA, 2021
[16] R. Schimassek et al., “Monolithic Sensors in LFoundry technology: Concepts and measurements,” NIMA, 2018
[17] R. Schimassek et al., “HVCMOS Pixel Detectors - Methods for Enhancement of Time Resolution,” NSS/MIC, 2016

Conferences and Talks

  • Auslesearchitektur-Simulation für Pixelsensoren in der Teilchenphysik
    DPG Spring Meeting 2018 (Würzburg)
  • Measurement Results on Monolithic LFoundry HVCMOS Sensors
    DPG Spring Meeting 2019 (Aachen)
  • Design of HCVMOS Pixel Sensor Chips for the ATLAS ITk Upgrade
    DPG Spring Meeting 2019 (Aachen)
  • Monolithic Sensors in LFoundry Technology: Concepts and Measurements
    14th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors 2018 (Italy/La Biodola)
  • Test Results of ATLASPIX3 – A Reticle Size HVCMOS Pixel Sensor Designed for Construction of Multi Chip Modules
    12th International "Hiroshima" Symposium on the Development of Semiconductor Tracking Detectors (HSTD12) 2018 (Japan/Hiroshima)