Karlsruhe School of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics: Science and Technology (KSETA)

Rufa Kunnilan Muhammed Rafeek


Institute: Institute for Experimental Particle Physics (ETP)
Location: Campus North, B401
Room : 417
Phone : +49 721-608-23712
Email : Rufa.Rafeek#kit.edu

  • PhD Title: Simultaneous measurement of tt+X (bb/cc) processes in the semileptonic channel at the CMS experiment

  • Publications

    Conferences and Talks

  • DPG2022 Heidelberg: Analysis Introduction: Simultaneous measurement of tt+X processes in the semileptonic channel at the CMS experiment
  • DPG2023 Dresden: Update of the ongoing analysis: tt+X events in the semileptonic channel
  • FSP-CMS Workshop, Hamburg: tt + heavy flavor classification at the CMS experiment

  • Reports


    • Netzwerk Teilchenwelt, Bonn - training to perform Masterclasses: "Communicating the Physics of the Smallest Particles"
    • Masterclass Facilitator: "Experiments and Measurements with the ATLAS experiment"