Sebastian Mirz
Institute: IKP-TLK (CN)
Room: 319, Building 451, CN
Phone: +49 721 608 26694
Research Topic
Start Date: July 2014 |
Master Thesis
Date: Mai 2014
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Guido Drexlin
Bachelor Thesis
Aufbau und Charakterisierung eines verbesserten Laser-Raman-Systems für das KATRIN-Experiment
Date: November 2011
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Guido Drexlin
publications in peer-reviewed journals
- Optimization and Quantification
of the Systematic Effects of the Rolling Circle Filter for Spectral
Mirz, S., Groessle, R., Kraus, A.
Analyst, submitted. - Design of a Spectroscopy Experiment for All Hydrogen Isotopologues in the Gaseous, Liquid, and Solid Phase
Mirz, S., Besserer, U., Bornschein, B., Groessle, R., Krasch, B., Welte, S.
doi:10.1080/15361055.2016.1273706 - First Calibration of an IR Absorption Spectroscopy System for the Measurement of H2, D2, and HD Concentration in the Liquid Phase
Groessle, R., Kraus, A., Mirz, S., Wozniewski, S.
doi:10.1080/15361055.2017.1291237 - How to Make Raman-Inactive Helium Visible in Raman Spectra of Tritium-Helium Gas Mixtures Schlösser, M., Pakari, O., Rupp, S., Mirz, S., and Fischer, S,
- First Calibration Measurements of an FTIR Absorption Spectroscopy System for Liquid Hydrogen Isotopologue for the Isotope Separation System of Fusion Power Plants Größle, R., Beck, A., Bornschein, B., Fischer, S., Kraus, A., Mirz, S., and Rupp, S
talks at international conferences
- 9th International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy, Victoria, Canada, 2017.
Van-der-Waal Dimers in IR Absorption Spectra of Gaseous Hydrogen Isotopologues - Tritium 2016, Charleston, 2016 Design of a Spectroscopy Experiment for all Hydrogen Isotopologues in the Liquid Phase
- 8th International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy, Vienna, 2015 Investigation of Molecular Processes in Inactive Liquid Hydrogen Isotopologues via Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy
- European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy, Düsseldorf, 2014 Investigation of the Influence of ortho/para Conversion on the Infrared Spectra of Liquid Hydrogen and Deuterium
talks at other conferences
Conferences, Schools and Workshops
- Erice School on Nuclear Physics: Neutrinos in Cosmology, in Astro-, Particle- and Nuclear Physics, Trieste, Italy.
Van-der-Waals Dimers in the KATRIN Windowless Gaseous Tritium Source
- INVISIBLES 16 SCHOOL, Sissa, Trieste, Italy.
Spectroscopic Investigation of Molecular Clusters In Cold Hydrogen Isotopologues - KSETA Doctoral Workshop 2016
Freudenstadt, Germany - ITEP Young Scientist Workshop
Kristberg, Austria
- ITEP Young Scientist Workshop
Kristberg, Austria
- ITEP Young Scientist Workshop
Kristberg, Germany
- ITEP Young Scientist Workshop
Kristberg, Germany
KSETA Workshops
- Calculation of uncertainties with GUM, together with Sylvia Ebenhöch