Karlsruhe School of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics: Science and Technology (KSETA)

Sylvia Ebenhöch

Institute: ITEP-TLK (CN)
Room: CN, Buidling 451, Room 411
Phone: 0721 608 22224
Email: Sylvia.Ebenhoech∂kit.edu

Research Topic

Aufbau von Elektronenquellen zur Kalibrierung des KATRIN-Experiments

Start Date: June 2015
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Guido Drexlin

Master Thesis

Konzeptionierung und Test eines Experiments zur Herstellung von Mischungen gasförmiger Wasserstoffisotopologe mit hoher Genauigkeit

Date: März 2015
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Guido Drexlin

Bachelor Thesis

Systematische Untersuchungen eines Röntgendetektorsystems zur Überwachung der KATRIN-Tritiumquelle

Date: November 2012
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Guido Drexlin


publications in refereed journals

  • Commissioning of the vacuum system of the KATRIN Main Spectrometer
  • M. Arenz, M. Babutzka, M. Bahr, et al.
  • Geant4 Monte Carlo simulations for sensitivity investigations of an experimental facility for the measurement of tritium surface contaminations by BIXS
  • M. Röllig, B. Bornschein, S. Ebenhöch, F. Priester,
  • Investigations of the applicability of a new accountancy tool in a closed tritium loop
  • S. Ebenhöch, S. Niemes, F. Priester, M. Röllig
  • Development of a compact tritium activity monitor and first tritium measurements
  • M. Röllig, S. Ebenhöch, S. Niemes, F. Priester and M. Sturm
  • Activity monitoring of a gaseous tritium source by beta induced X-ray spectrometry
  • M. Röllig, F. Priester, M. Babutzka, J. Bonn, B. Bornschein, G. Drexlin, S. Ebenhöch, E. W. Otten, M. Steidl, M. Sturm

talks at other conferences

Conferences, Schools and Workshops



  • ISFNT-12 , International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology
    Jeju, South Korea
  • ITEP Young Scientist Workshop
    Kristberg, Austria


  • ITEP Young Scientist Workshop
    Kristberg, Germany



KSETA Workshops

  • Data Visualization and Presenting by Simon Niemes