Karlsruhe School of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics: Science and Technology (KSETA)

Thomas Huber



Institute: KIT-IKP |  DESY Zeuthen
Building: 425, KIT Campus North
Room: 141
Phone: +49 721 60822284
Email: Thomas.Huber#kit.edu

Bachelor and Master Thesis


Development and test of a reference light source for the calibration of the EUSO photodetectors   (Link)

Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPMs) for the space-based fluorescence telescope EUSO   (Link)

PhD Thesis


A scintillation detector array for the IceCube:IceTop Upgrade

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Marc Weber (KIT-IPE); Prof. Dr. Marek Kowalski (DESY); Prof. Dr. Günter Quast (KIT-ETP)
  Dr. Andreas Haungs (KIT-IKP); Dr. Timo Karg (DESY)
Mentor: Prof. Dr. Anke-Susanne Müller (KIT-LAS)




Title Journal Authors

"Ground calibration of MAPMT and SiPM for JEM-EUSO"

Proceedings of the ICRC 2015, The Hague

M. Karus, F. Bisconti and T. Huber


"The IceTop Scintillator Upgrade"

Proceedings of the ICRC 2017, Busan

T. Huber, J. Kelley, S. Kunwar and D. Tosi

„Characterization of Hamamatsu 64-channel TSV SiPMs“

Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 888C

M. Renschler,  A. Haungs, T. Huber, W. Painter et al.

"Detector developments for a hybrid particle and radio array for cosmic-ray air-shower detection"

Proceedings ECRS 2018 (not yet published)

A. Leszczynska, A. Balagopal, A. Haungs, T. Huber, T. Karg , M. Renschler et al.

"Computational Techniques for the Analysis of Small Signals in High-Statistics Neutrino Oscillation Experiments" arXiv:1803.05390 Inst. and Methods for Astrophysics (astro-ph.IM) IceCube Collaboration
"IceCube-Gen2: the next-generation neutrino observatory for the South Pole"

  PoS ICRC2017 (2018) 991; DOI: 10.22323/1.301.0991

IceCube-Gen2 Collaboration


Conferences and (selected) talks

Title Conference Location Date


HAP Detector Design and Technology for Next-Gen Neutrino Observatories Aachen

08.12 – 11.12.2014

  AugerNext Symposium Karlsruhe

20.01 – 23.01.2015

„Untersuchung von SiPMs für die Nutzung als Weltraum-Fluoreszenzteleskope“

DPG Frühjahrstagung Wuppertal

09.03 – 13.03.2015

„A SiPM based Elementary Cell“ 16th International JEM-EUSO Meeting Tokio

20.06 – 30.06.2015

„SiPMs for the space-based fluorescence telescope JEM-EUSO“ School for Astroparticle Physics Obertrubach

07.10 – 15.10.2015

„Nutzung von TSV-SiPMs für Fluoreszenzteleskope“ DPG-Frühjahrstagung Hamburg 29.02 – 04.03.2016
  IceCube Collaboration Autumn Meeting Mainz 24.09 – 30.09.2016
„IceCube-Gen2: IceScint“ Matter and Universe Programmtag Mainz 12.12 – 13.12.2016
„Detection of cosmic rays with scintillation detectors“ Workshop zur Vermittlung von Teilchenphysik Fulda 15.01 – 18.01.2017
„IceScint: A surface scintillation detector array for IceCube-Gen2“ DPG-Frühjahrstagung Münster 27.03 – 31.03.2017
„Design and performance of KIT scintillator prototype“ IceCube Collaboration Spring Meeting Madison 29.04 – 06.05.2017
Netzwerk Teilchenphysik: "Kurze Einführung Astroteilchenphysik" LK Physik Schülergruppe, Karlsruhe Karlsruhe 13.12 – 13.12.2017
„SiPMs for astroparticle physics applications“ International LIGHT-17 Workshop Tegernsee 16.10 – 20.10.2017
„IceScint: A surface detector array as Enhancement of IceCube“ DPG-Frühjahrstagung Würzburg 19.03 – 23.03.2018
„The surface scintillator array as veto“

„IceScint (TAXI) at the South Pole: Overview, status and plans“

„IceScint Cluster at KIT“
IceCube Collaboration Spring Meeting Atlanta 29.04 – 06.05.2018
„Applications of SiPMs at KIT“ SENSE Tech Forum Genf 20.04 – 22.05.2018
"Introduction to Astroparticle Physics, the Pierre-Auger and the
IceCube observatory"
Project week Gymnasium Speyer, together with Dr. M. Roth Karlsruhe 25.05 – 25.05.2018
  Int. Conference on the advancement of Silicon Photomultipliers  Schwetzingen   11.06 – 11.06.2018
"Auger Masterclass for school classes" Introduction Auger Masterclass, Karlsruhe Karlsruhe 13.06. – 14.06.2018
„The Scintillator Upgrade of IceCube - IceTop:
An extension of the IceCube surface detector array“
TeVPA - TeV Particle Astrophysics Berlin 27.08 – 31.08.2018
„The IceTop Enhancement for Improved Air-Shower Measurements“ Astroparticle Physics in Germany - Status and Perspectives Mainz 17.09 – 19.09.2018
„IceACT: The imaging Air Cherenkov Telescope at KIT“

„TAXI DAQ and Scintillators at the South Pole: Status report“
IceCube Collaboration Autumn Meeting Stockholm 21.09 – 29.09.2018

Teaching and theses supervisions

Course / Thesis (Bachelor / Master / "Staatsexamen") Semester / Student   Date   
"Computer Aided Design (CAD) for Physicists " KSETA Course 2016
"Air-Shower reconstruction software development Mini-KASCADE"   Alexander Schneider   2016
"Scintillation detector development Mini-KASCADE" Jan-Ole Gosewisch 2016
"Analog digital converter calibration Mini-KASCADE" Philipe Bruder 2016
"Temperature Characteristics of the IceCube-Gen2 Surface Detector" Anja Schmidt 2017
"Characterization of SiPMs for the Surface Array Enhancement of IceCube" Marie Oehler 2018
Head of tutorial "Messmethoden und Techniken in der Experimentalphysik" Summer Term 18 2018
"Implemention of a MIP fit function for the South Pole IceScint data" Jainam Khara 2018
"Calibration of the ADCs and discriminator threshold of the IceTAXI data aquisition system" Eugen Raspopin 2018
"Analysis of water-cherenkov-detectors for physical practical courses with solid-state photosensors (SiPMs)" David Schwer 2018
"A Single Photon Calibration Setup for low temperatures" Branko Mitic 2018
"Capabilities of the at the South Pole deployed KIT/DESY scintillator station" (Working title; Supervision together with A. Leszczynska) Fiona Ellwanger 2018

KSETA activities

Title / Activities / Workshops Teacher / Location    Date    
Black hole astrophysics   Prof. Dr. Gustavo Esteban    2016 
Given KSETA topical course:
"Computer Aided Design (CAD) for Physicists"
Thomas Huber   2016  
4th. KSETA Plenary Workshop Durbach   2017  
KSETA Report 2017  (Link to the report) Karlsruhe   2017  
5th. KSETA Plenary Workshop Durbach   2018  
"General theoretical concepts on particle physics" Dr. Monika Blanke   2018  
"Probing the early Universe with Gravitational Waves" Dr. Daniel Figueroa   2018  
"Opening a New Window on the Universe from the South Pole" Prof. Dr. Francis Halzen   2018  


Additional activities / Others

Location Date
Science Slam "FameLab" about Cosmic Rays
First loser (2nd Place) and "Publikumspreis"
Link to an article
  Karlsruhe    15.03.2016  
Media and presentation training for young academics
  British Embassy, Berlin   21.04. – 24.04.2016
Mini-KASCADE deployment at Sparkasse SV headquarter. Used as Art project for visualizing air-showers. Scientific project leader.
Link to the project Page
Stuttgart 12.09. –  15.09.2016
"Kick-off"-Meeting for scintillation detectors and DAQ development for the IceCube:IceTop extension "IceScint"
(And start of the PhD thesis)
Zeuthen 14.11. –  18.11.2016
Apprenticeship as mediator for the "Netzwerk Teilchenphysik" Fulda 14.01. – 18.01.2017
Research and Development of scintillation detectors for the IceCube:IceTop extension in collaboration with the Madison team Madison 08.05. –  13.05.2017
Complete system low temperature tests and calibration of the IceCube:IceTop extension KIT/DESY scintillators Stoughton 02.09. –  08.09.2017
South Pole training, Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center (WIPAC) Madison 11.09. –  17.09.2017
Deployment, commissioning, setup of the satellite uplink interface and calibration of the scintillation detector prototype array Antarctica, South Pole 03.01. – 15.02.2018

Links to selected talks / pictures

Location Date  Links 
Science Slam "FameLab" about Cosmic Rays, Neutrinos and Dark Matter. 2nd Place and "Publikumspreis" Karlsruhe / Bielefeld    2016   Photo Album  
( #1  )
Mini-KASCADE rehearsal at KIT and deployment at Sparkasse SV headquarter

Karlsruhe / Stuttgart

( #1, #2 )
Photo Album
( #1 )
Research and Development, Prototyping, Production, Testing, Calibration and Shipping of the IceScint scintillation detectors

Karlsruhe / Zeuthen /

  ( #1, #2 )
Photo Album
( #1 )
Travel, Deployment, Comissioning and Calibration of the IceCube scintillator surface extension protoype array  
Antarctica / South Pole  

#1, #2 )
Photo Album
( #1 )
