Karlsruhe School of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics: Science and Technology (KSETA)

Timo Muscheid


Institute: Institute for Data Processing and Electronics (IPE)
Building: 242 (Campus North)
Room: 305
Phone: +49 721 608-24945
Email: timo.muscheid#kit.edu

Research topics

  • Readout electronics for quantum detectors
  • DAQ system design
  • Real-time data processing on FPGA


Peer-reviewed publications: publications-reviewed
[1] Timo Muscheid, Artur Boebel, Nick Karcher, Tomas Vanat, Luis Ardila-Perez, Igor Cheviakov, Michael Schleicher, Manfred Zimmer, Matthias Balzer, and Oliver Sander. DTS-100G a versatile heterogeneous MPSoC board for cryogenic sensor readout. JINST, 18(02):C02067, 2023. [ bib | DOI | arXiv ]
[2] N. Karcher, T. Muscheid, T. Wolber, D. Richter, C. Enss, S. Kempf, and O. Sander. Online Demodulation and Trigger for Flux-ramp Modulated SQUID Signals. J. Low Temp. Phys., 209(3-4):581--588, 2022. [ bib | DOI | arXiv ]
[3] JM Salum, T Muscheid, A Fuster, ME Garcia Redondo, MR Hampel, LP Ferreyro, JM Geria, J Bonilla-Neira, N Müller, J Bonaparte, et al. Aliasing effect on flux ramp demodulation: Nonlinearity in the microwave squid multiplexer. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 213(3):223--236, 2023. [ bib | DOI ]

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Pre-print publications currently under peer-review: publications-UNreviewed
[1] M. E. García Redondo et al. RFSoC Gen3-Based Software-Defined Radio Characterization for the Readout System of Low-Temperature Bolometers. In 20th International Conference on Low Temperature Detectors, 11 2023. [ bib | arXiv ]
[2] Manuel Platino, Manuel Elías García Redondo, Timo Muscheid, Robert Gartmann, Juan Manuel Salum, Luciano Pablo Ferreyro, Nahuel Agustín Müller, Jesús David Bonilla-Neira, Juan Manuel Geria, Juan José Bonaparte, et al. The magnetic microbolometer detection chain: A proposed detection system to observe the b modes of the cosmic microwave background. 2023. [ bib ]
[3] Matías Hampel, Alejandro Almela, Juan Bonaparte, Jesús Bonilla Neira, Luciano Ferreyro, Alan Fuster, Manuel García Redondo, Robert Gartmann, Juan Geria, Nahuel Müller, et al. The magnetic microbolometer: a proposal for qubic next gen. 2023. [ bib ]

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