Georg Sieber
Institute: EKP (CS, Bldg. 30.23)
Room: 8-21
Phone: +49 (0)721 608 43369
Georg Sieber
+49 721 608-43369
Measurement of Triple-Differential Dijet Cross Sections and PDF Constraints
Doctoral Research Project · 2013-2016
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Günter Quast
Second Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller
Title |
Author |
Reference |
Date |
PDF Constraints and Extraction of the Strong Coupling Constant from Inclusive Jet Cross Section at 7 TeV |
The CMS Collaboration |
Eur.Phys.J. C75 (2015) 288 |
2015 |
aS extraction and PDF Constraints from Jet Measurements at CMS |
Georg Sieber |
PoS DIS2014 (2014) 030 |
2014 |
Determination of the proton structure and the strong coupling from inclusive jet cross sections at the LHC |
Georg Sieber |
Diploma Thesis, IEKP-KA/2013-10 |
2013 |
ARTUS - A Framework for Event-Based Data Analysis in High Energy Physics |
Joram Berger, Fabio Colombo, Raphael Friese, Dominik Haitz, Thomas Hauth, Thomas Müller, Günter Quast, Georg Sieber |
arXiv:1511.00852 |
2015 |
Talks and Posters
Title |
Conference |
Place |
Dijet Measurements and PDF Constraints |
DPG 2016 |
Hamburg |
Measurements of triple-differential dijet cross sections at 8 TeV |
FSP Workshop |
KIT, Karlsruhe |
PDF Constraints and Extraction of the Strong Coupling |
DPG 2015 |
Wuppertal |
QCD Analysis of inclusive jet measurements |
8th Annual Workshop of the Terascale Alliance, 2014 |
Hamburg |
PDF constraints and extraction of the strong cooupling constant from the inclusive jet cross section |
LHCC, 2014 |
CERN, Schweiz |
Verbesserung der PDFs aus Messungen des inklusiven Jet Wirkungsquerschnitts von CMS |
DPG 2014 |
Mainz |
Fast grids techniques - fastNLO |
Proton Structure in the LHC era - School |
Hamburg |
PDF Constraints and the Extraction of the Strong Coupling from CMS jet measurements |
DIS 2014 |
Warschau, Polen |
New CMS measurements and PDF Constraints |
PDF4LHC Workshop |
CERN, Schweiz |
QCD Analysis of the CMS inclusive jet measurement |
7th Annual Workshop of the Terascale Alliance, 2013 |
Karlsruhe |
Sensitivity of PDFs to ATLAS and CMS Inclusive Jet Data |
Proton Structure Analysis Group Working Meeting |
Bad Liebenberg, Berlin |
Sensitivitätsstudie zur Protonstruktur mit inklusiven Jet Daten von CMS |
DPG 2013 |
Dresden |
Title |
Date |
Übungen zurTeilchenphysik I |
WS 15/16 |
Übungen zur Teilchenphysik II - Jet-Physik |
SS 2015 |
Programmieren für Physiker: C++ |
WS 12/13 |
Moderne Methoden der Datenanalyse |
SS 2012 |
Work Reports
Title |
Source |
KSETA Work Report 2013 |
Work Report 2014 |
KSETA Work Report 2014 |
Work Report 2014 |
KSETA Work Report 2015 |
Work Report 2014 |