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Georg Sieber



Institute: EKP (CS, Bldg. 30.23)
Room: 8-21
Phone: +49 (0)721 608 43369
Email: sieber#cern.ch

Measurement of Triple-Differential Dijet Cross Sections and PDF Constraints

Doctoral Research Project · 2013-2016
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Günter Quast
Second Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller

Title Author Reference Date
PDF Constraints and Extraction of the Strong Coupling Constant from Inclusive Jet Cross Section at 7 TeV The CMS Collaboration Eur.Phys.J. C75 (2015) 288 2015
aS extraction and PDF Constraints from Jet Measurements at CMS Georg Sieber PoS DIS2014 (2014) 030 2014
Determination of the proton structure and the strong coupling from inclusive jet cross sections at the LHC Georg Sieber Diploma Thesis, IEKP-KA/2013-10 2013
ARTUS - A Framework for Event-Based Data Analysis in High Energy Physics Joram Berger, Fabio Colombo, Raphael Friese, Dominik Haitz, Thomas Hauth, Thomas Müller, Günter Quast, Georg Sieber arXiv:1511.00852 2015


Talks and Posters
Title Conference Place
Dijet Measurements and PDF Constraints DPG 2016 Hamburg
Measurements of triple-differential dijet cross sections at 8 TeV FSP Workshop KIT, Karlsruhe
PDF Constraints and Extraction of the Strong Coupling DPG 2015 Wuppertal
QCD Analysis of inclusive jet measurements 8th Annual Workshop of the Terascale Alliance, 2014 Hamburg
PDF constraints and extraction of the strong cooupling constant from the inclusive jet cross section LHCC, 2014 CERN, Schweiz
Verbesserung der PDFs aus Messungen des inklusiven Jet Wirkungsquerschnitts von CMS DPG 2014 Mainz
Fast grids techniques - fastNLO Proton Structure in the LHC era - School Hamburg
PDF Constraints and the Extraction of the Strong Coupling from CMS jet measurements DIS 2014 Warschau, Polen
New CMS measurements and PDF Constraints PDF4LHC Workshop CERN, Schweiz
QCD Analysis of the CMS inclusive jet measurement 7th Annual Workshop of the Terascale Alliance, 2013 Karlsruhe
Sensitivity of PDFs to ATLAS and CMS Inclusive Jet Data Proton Structure Analysis Group Working Meeting Bad Liebenberg, Berlin
Sensitivitätsstudie zur Protonstruktur mit inklusiven Jet Daten von CMS DPG 2013 Dresden


Title Date
Übungen zurTeilchenphysik I WS 15/16
Übungen zur Teilchenphysik II - Jet-Physik SS 2015
Programmieren für Physiker: C++ WS 12/13
Moderne Methoden der Datenanalyse SS 2012
Work Reports
Title Source
KSETA Work Report 2013 Work Report 2014
KSETA Work Report 2014 Work Report 2014
KSETA Work Report 2015 Work Report 2014