M.Sc. Martin Gabelmann
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Group: Muehlleitner
Room: 12-17
Phone: +49 (0)721 608 43583
E-mail: martin.gabelmann@kit.edu
Title and date of Phd: Two-Loop Corrections to Higgs boson Masses in the NMSSM, Oct. 22nd 2021
Research interests
- Higher-order corrections to Higgs Boson masses in supersymmetric quantum field theories
- Low-energy effective field theories and their capabilities compared to complete models
- Extended Higgs sectors
- Split Supersymmetry
PhD Topic
In my PhD I study 2-loop corrections to Higgs Boson masses in the complex Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (cNMSSM) in a special renormalization scheme to give a new estimate of the theoretical uncertentaies of missing higher-order corrections.
Publications (reviewed)
[1] | Martin Gabelmann, Margarete Muehlleitner, and Florian Staub. Automatised matching between two scalar sectors at the one-loop level. Eur. Phys. J., C79(2):163, 2019. [ bib | DOI | arXiv ] |
[2] | Martin Gabelmann, Margarete M. Muehlleitner, and Florian Staub. The Singlet Extended Standard Model in the Context of Split Supersymmetry. Phys. Rev., D100:075026, 2019. [ bib | DOI | arXiv ] |
[3] | Thi Nhung Dao, Martin Gabelmann, Margarete Mühlleitner, and Heidi Rzehak. Two-Loop O((αt+αλ+ακ)2) Corrections to the Higgs Boson Masses in the CP-Violating NMSSM. J. High Energ. Phys., page 54, 6 2021. [ bib | DOI | arXiv ] |
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Publications (in peer-review)
[1] | Martin Gabelmann, M. Margarete Mühlleitner, and Jonas Müller. Electroweak Phase Transitions with BSM Fermions. 7 2021. [ bib | arXiv ] |
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Conferences and Talks
- 8th KSETA Plenary Workshop, Sep 2021 (Durbach)
- Electroweak Phase Transitions with BSM Fermions
- SUSY (Shanghai), Aug. 2021 (slides)
- Pre-SUSY Summer School, Aug 2021
- Co-Organizer: Annual Meeting of the CRC TRR 257, May 2021
- Overview-Talk on g-2 (ITP-Seminar), May 2021
- Two-Loop Higgs Boson Masses in the CP-Violating NMSSM
- Precision Higgs Boson Mass Predictions in the (split) (N)MSSM
- Wuerzburg Theory Seminar, Nov 2020 (slides)
- Co-Organizer: Annual Meeting of the CRC TRR 257, Sep 2020
- Co-Organizer: Young Scientists Forum of the CRC TRR 257, June 2020
- Catastrophic Goldstones in Supersymmetric Higgs Boson masses
- TTP/ITP BSM Seminar (KIT), April 2020 (slides)
- ITP Seminar (KIT), Dec 2019
- 7th KSETA Plenary Workshop, Feb 2020 (Durbach)
- KUTS, Nov 2019 (Munich)
- KIT-NEP'19 - Theory Challenges in Higher-Order NEw Physics Calculations, 2019 (Karlsruhe)
- GK Workshop, Sep 2019 (Pforzheim-Hohenwart)
- GridKa School - The Art of Data, Aug 2019 (Karlsruhe)
- Automised EFT Higgs Masses in Non-Minimal Scalar Sectors
- KUTS (Dresden), 2019 (slides)
- Precise Higgs Mass Predictions In Low-Energy EFTs
- DPG-Verhandlungen (Aachen), 2019 (slides)
- 6th KSETA Plenary Workshop, Feb 2019 (Durbach)
- NLO Matching Conditions In Extended Higgs Sectors
- The Future of Particle Physics - A Quest for Guiding Principles, Oct 2018, Karlsruhe (KIT)
- GK Workshop, Sep 2018 (Bad Herrenalb)
- Working Group Meeting, Apr 2018 (Lisbon)
- KUTS, Jan 2018, Paris (LPTHE)
- Higgs-Automator mini-workshop, Oct 2017, Paris (LPTHE)
- KUTS, Jul 2017, Karlsruhe (KIT)
KSETA activities and Topical Courses
- Broad introduction into modern experimental particle physics
- Oct 2021, Frank Hartmann (KIT)
- Interpretations of quantum mechanics
- Oct 2020, Roderich Tumulka
- Feynman Diagrams in Condensed Matter Theory
- Sep 2020, Markus Garst
- Graph Theory(with connection to Feynman diagrams)
- Mar 2020, D. Hespe, S. Lamm, T. Heuer (ITI)
- Understanding Machine Learning Methods
- Oct 2019, Stefan Wunsch
- Excursion to GSI
- Sep 2019, Darmstadt
- Introduction to Regge Theory and Gribovs Reggeon calculus
- Apr 2019, Prof. Dr. Klaus Werner(Univ. Nantes)
- Old and New Methods for Multi-Loop Calculations
- Nov 2018, Prof. Vladimir Smirnov (Lomonossow University, Moscow, RU)
- Unitarity methods
- Oct 2018, Fernando Febres Cordero (Uni. Freiburg)
- Cosmology: expanding space and expanding confusion
- Oct 2018, Bjoern Malte Schaefer (Uni Heidelberg)
(Under)Graduate Studies
- During my master thesis I developed a computer tool to match arbitrary QFTs that involve very high mass scales onto low-energy effective theoies at the one-loop order. This allows e.g. for a precise prediction of Higgs boson masses.
- My bachelor thesis dealt with relations between dimension six operators in effective field theories and the consequences by the use of equations of motion during basis changes.
Administative Roles
- I'm ITP/TTP IT-Systemadministrator since 2015.
- Young scientist representative CRC TRR 257