Marius Metzler
Institute: ETP
Room: 316 (Building 401, CN)
Phone: +49 172 608 23443
Doctoral Research Project
Prelimenary title: Irradiation studies on n-in-p silicon strip sensors in the course of the CMS Phase-2 Outer Tracker Upgrade
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Mueller
Second supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Husemann
Mentor: Prof. Dr. Marc Weber
Master's Thesis
"Radiation Hardness of n-in-p Strip Sensors for the Phase II Upgrade of CMS"
M. Metzler, 28.10.2016, Masterarbeit am Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie
"Front-side biasing of n-in-p silicon strip detectors"
M. Baselga et al., Journal of Instrumentation 13.11 (2018)
DPG Talks
Spring Conference of the German Physical Society 2016
(Feb 29 2016, Hamburg)
Strahlenhärte von n-in-p-Siliziumsensoren für das Phase-II-Upgrade von CMS (pdf)
Spring Conference of the German Physical Society 2017
(Mar 29 2017, Muenster)
Front Side Biasing of Silicon Sensors (pdf)
Spring Conference of the German Physical Society 2019
(Mar 25 2019, Aachen)
Silicon Strip Sensors for the Phase 2 Upgrade of CMS (pdf)
Conference Talks
FSP CMS Workshop 2018
(Sep 20 2018, Hamburg)
Outer Tracker Sensor R&D (pdf)
FSP CMS Workshop 2017
(Oct 05 2017, Aachen)
Outer Tracker Sensor R&D (pdf)